
What do u prefer the most Hardee's or MC or burger king?

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What do u prefer the most Hardee's or MC or burger king?




  1. Mcds

  2. How about Wendy's!

  3. BURGER KING all the wayyyyyyyyy

  4. burger king cuz mcds is fatty food hahahha

  5. #1 Burger King

    #2 MC

    #3 Hardee's

  6. McDonalds all the way!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  7. MC and what the heck is HARDEE'S

  8. I prefer MC.

  9. Hardee's is amazing

  10. Burger king!=)

  11. Burger KINNNNNNNNNNNGGGGGGGGGGGGG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...

  12. I love hardees. They have the best milkshakes and burgers. I like all of them but I think Hardees is the best.

  13. Burger King.  They have that great Douie Ewbert's coffee (might be spelled wrong).

  14. Gotta be Burger King

  15. Burger King if I have to choose between the lesser of evils. Isn't it funny how the advertising photos of Burger Kings food looks so attractive but whenever you get the food it looks old and soggy?

  16. i would say definately Hardee's

  17. mcdonalds fries =)

  18. Burger King!

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