
What do u say?

by Guest58397  |  earlier

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i have this teacher and he has been at my school for 1 year and during crismas he told one of the girls to go put something on the fake christmas tree and she got on the stool and reach up to put it on and the the teacher looked up the girls dress

now i was totaly amazed so what do u say




  1. ughh. what a perv. sorry to hear about that. I am just never gonna wear skirts or dresses to school anymore, and well i haven't since i was like 6.


  2. 1. teacher is a perv and should be reported

    2. teacher hopefully is not English teacher; if so FAIL on two accounts

  3. Yes, I would report this.  If (god forbid) something else were to happen, would you feel somewhat guilty about it?  If you answered that question with a "yes", report it.

    Children are innocent.  Adult male teachers looking up a little girls skirt are not.

  4. He is definitely not doing his job teaching you how to spell for one thing. Secondly, why have you waited so long to say anything? The holidays were over 6 months ago.

  5. you have to say something to someone. that is the one of the most disgusting things soemone could ever do. and if you say something now this will stop him from doing it to other people.
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