
What do u say to a fat man who takes up half of your seat at the football games?

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My family and I have season tickets to Texas Tech University football games. My problem is that the person that has the seat right next to me is a grotesquely obese man who can barely fit into the seat. And when he does manage to get his hulk of a body wedged into the seat, about 6 inches of fat hangs over the arm rest into my seat. Even his legs are partly on my seat. So half of my seat is taken up by the humongous overweight man and I’m squished and forced to the extreme right side of my seat. I can’t avoid touching him, I can’t move in my seat and I can’t even cross my legs. I’m a very petite woman (only 5 feet tall) and very small built (133 pounds). I honestly feel sorry for this man but he’s unknowingly turned such an enjoyable activity into dread and arguments about who has to sit next to the “fat guy” !!

My question is: Should I bring this to the attention of the stadium staff or should I just let it be and endure the arguments?? Should I say something to him? That he’s ruined one of the much anticipated activities that my family and I spend together? What should I do??!! It would be so depressing if we had to stop going to the games just because of this HUGE problem. We’ve had these same season tickets for years, and the seats are really good, so we don’t want to change them.





  1. As soon as it infringes on your personal space, YES, you should tell stadium security.

    Most stadiums have handicapped seating, and they will probably move the fat dude into that area. I have a relative who is obese, not as bad as this guy, and he is allowed to sit in handcap seating because he cant properly fit in the seat.

  2. I don't believe you. No one wants season tickets to watch Texas Tech football

  3. Your family may be able to buy that seat as season ticket holders through the stadium and if they won't do that then let them know the problems this is causing your family. I'm sorry but I would have to say something to this lard @ss. I would tell him he needs to keep his body within the confines of his seat. I wouldn't put up with that all season. I understand people have weight issue, but when your weight is so out of hand that you literally ruin an event for someone else. You need to take control of your life and make things better,

    Maybe he had gastric bypass surgery or something in the off season and he'll at least fit into his seat.

    I hope it gets better for you.

  4. You need to have some compassion for your fellow man. Treat others as you would like to be treated.

    How could you say such rude things and make fun of a man that you don't even know? You are discriminating against him because of his weight!

    If I had your tickets, I would gladly be the one to sit by him and try to be gracious and not make him feel like a non-human just because of his body weight. Stand up and cheer for your team. Take stretch breaks.

    If I had seats near yours and heard you make any of the comments that you just made in your question or if I heard you belittle this man in public, I would be tempted to spill my drink on your head.

    Grow a heart lady. Go ask your question in Etiquette if you want to know how civilized people would behave in your situation.

  5. i think you should bring it to the attention of the stadium staff, if he's that obese then he should pay for two tickets he must know he is obese and he must know he takes up half your seat, it must be very uncomfortable and its not your problem to deal with, imagine you went to the game and someone was just sat in your seat and they knew it was your seat, you would be annoyed and ask him to go buy his own ticket not squash you, to save embarassment and feeling guilty you must sort this out soon, he should feel guilty for squashing you not the other way around.

    how can anyone ask her to grin and bear it or grow a heart, this man is being unreasonable and unresponsible, i dont think jesus had these problems and would be mortified some people eat themseleves this obese while most of the world is starving, jesus would expect that man to cut back and give the money to charity, not go to football games and squash other spectators.

  6. I turn to my husband and say move your fat *** your squishing me.  

  7. I don't know if you have any viable options here other than to grin and bear it. Super huge guys should have to pay for 2 seats like they do on an airplane.

  8. So murdock where have u been it's been boring with out u making up things.

  9. Not much, he might eat you.

    Seriously though, what could you possibly say that will make him instantly slimmer?

  10. At five feet and 133 pounds.....sounds like you haven't missed too many meals yourself, sister. Perhaps you're part of the problem?

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