
What do u see based on gender in childrens clothing?

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need help with a report for sociology!

what differences do u see in girls and boys clothing?

what do u think dept stores insinuate through the options for childrens clothing bsd on gender?

the more in depth ur answer the better!




  1. I work retail and one thing I've noticed about girls clothing (and it kind of bugs me) is that almost ALL the t shirts for girls have these dumb quotes on them like "what attitude problem?!" and "spoiled rotten" and "You're talking but all I hear is bla bla bla.." just to name a few. Let's teach girls to be smart*sses. Momof4, I completely agree. No 9 year old should be wearing a shirt that says s**y on it. That saleslady shouldn't have treated you that way. All children are different and don't always like the appointed pink for girls and dark colors for boys.

  2. Good luck finding girl's clothing in red or blue. Good luck finding boy's clothing in pastels.  Last I checked, colors are not inherently male or female.  I asked a sales clerk for a red or blue snowsuit for my daughter (her favorite colors, plus I wanted to later hand it down to a son) and she looked at me like I had six heads for even asking for such a thing for a girl.

    Good luck finding girl's clothing with sports themes (even though tons of girls play sports).  Good luck finding boy's clothing without sports themes (even though tons of boys don't).  

    Girls' clothing often has (in my view totally inappropriate) text like "princess" or "beautiful" or "s**y" on it.  Starting at a ridiculously young age, a huge proportion of available girls' clothes are also designed to look s**y (hemlines/ form-fitting, etc.).  I get disgusted every time I go shopping for my 9-year-old girl.  Boys' clothes tend to be more functional.

    The insinuations are pretty obvious.  Girls' job is to be atttractive to boys.  Boys' job is to be active and tough.

    The whole business makes me ill.

    But both boys' and girls' clothing shares another problem, which is that companies seem to think that we all love nothing better than to be an unpaid advertisement for their products.  I refuse to buy my kids anything with logos on them.  Do kids really have to be walking commercials?

  3. Little boy clothing is usually blue, green, orange, or brown. You see a lot of trains, planes, and animals. It's usually a bunch of tee's and shorts.

    Little girl's clothing is usually colorful and features Disney princesses or Hannah Montana. They have a lot of halters and tanks out for summer now. Nothing too low cut in the top, blah, blah, blah.

    It's not really that interesting of a topic. Dept. stores usually have very stereotypical little boy and little girl clothing. I don't notice any insinuations. There are a whole lot more options for girls, but that's because girls and have dresses and skirts where boys can only really have shorts and pants.

    Dump trucks and princesses, that's about all little kid clothing is.

  4. i see g**s in girls clothing or at macy's and lesbos in the men's department (hey i live everywhere) bi's all over the place and straight people in (rockers only) hot topic, C28, the other market, 4/20 lifestyles so i see very cool people who aren't afraid to fae the world and ( the girls 4 jocks) park place macy's, materity clothing stores such as soon-to-be mom's so i see s***s here and (preps boys and girls) nerd palace, target, and garage sales i see LOSERS jaja jk

  5. the difference is that girls clothes have pink and flowers and girly stuff while boys clothes are blue with cars

  6. Boys' clothes haven't changed much for younger sizes (babies to toddlers and even till 6-8 years old). Girls' clothes are sometimes ridiculous!  They sell infant girls' clothing in styles that I'd never wear as an adult. Sleazy designs for women do not equate cute for baby....and still I see babies in halter tops and short skirts. These little ones don't have the chest that's supposed to hold up that tube top, or the butt to put in hip-hugger jeans, so why make clothes like that?

  7. This won't be a very deep answer bit I have always thought that girls clothing is much cuter. I am a mother to a boy. I think stores carry more options for girls. I have also found that boys clothing does not keep popular super hero and cartoon favorites on their clothes in the sizes most little boys want. About the insinuations....I think little girls are expected to be very skinny and boys are expected to be short and small for their age.

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