
What do u think??? Acne Acne Acne ewww!?

by  |  earlier

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ok, this may sound crazy and mental and mad but hear me out. I'm 14 and i have really bad acne , loads of websites say that the pill works for acne and it does a really good job. Do you think i should go on it? i will not be having s*x anytime soon i can tell u that. my mum gets really bad period pain and she has loads of packets to help her with that. should i ask her if i could try or is it totally stupid me thinking this. im so desperate now and i want clear skin b4 i go back to school.




  1. The pill GAVE me acne so I wouldn't recommend it, also it can give you headaches, weight gain and mood swings. i would advise you to see a doc as I was prescribed a stronger cream which worked for me.

  2. the yaz pill is great!!!!!!!!! ask your dr about it. i took the pill for endrometriosis and it works great !!!! it even helped with acne, also noxema is greatto clean your face also cut salt and caffeen out of your diet and drink water . i wish you the best  takecare

  3. DO NOT go on the pill just for acne

    its not worth it

    you will get mood swings

    your periods will start being all over the place etc etc etc

    and it can make you gain weight

    i would say if you have tried EVERYTHING

    like face scrubs/creams etc

    then ask the doctor for acne tablets they work a treat but are only used as a last resort

    and you have to be really bad with acne for them to give it to you.

  4. Darling, I'm so sorry. Acne sucks and I had it bad too.

    YES, the pill will help. There is a special contraceptive pill called Dianette which is made specifically for acne. It made a world of difference to me. You need to ask your doctor for it, they should prescribe it with no trouble - they did for me. It will indeed also make your period lighter and less painful. Once the Dianette has worked you can transfer to a normal contraceptive pill.

    Good luck x

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