
What do u think about Arab ppl?

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What do u think about Arab ppl?




  1. Well, I am engaged to one but raised in the typical middle class, white American beliefs about other cultures, so I have learned a lot about them...

    First, Arab is a term for lower class ppl, and Middle Easterner is for higher class ppl. Second, there are many different countries that make up the middle east and all are unique and different and should be respected as such rather than be grouped together (but I'm assuming you didn't mean anything offensive by the wording of your question, I just put that for the general public).

      They are not all terrorists trying to bomb and kill Americans, they are not even all Muslim. That I know of, only Saudi Arabia currently has a law for women to wear burkas, and other than that, it is the woman's choice. In many of the other countries, people can wear whatever they want.

        Most of them who have come to the States are harder working than many Americans, they just don't all have white collar jobs. Family and friends are extremely important in Middle Eastern culture and so there are generally areas with a higher concentration of people from a certain village who all move to the same city because they can be around relatives. Usually parents put more money towards their kids' education and future rather than towards retirement because their kids will care for them in their old age.

      Royphil obviously has a rather bigoted opinion of an entire group of people based on the limited interaction he saw of coworkers, possibly people who worked harder than him?? And honestly, if he hated his coworkers so much, maybe it makes sense that they only hung out with each other because he didn't like them. Also, middle eastern culture is different that western culture and most people like to spend time with people who are like them and have things in common, so many of them hang out with ppl from their extended family and friends.

       Out of my fiance's entire family NON of them are muslim, they are all Christian, and there's at least a couple hundred of them that I've met. So it's interesting that most people assume they practice Islam.

       I think that the media portrays one picture of the middle east, and that is the taliban, al qaeda and terrorists and there is little or no attention paid to individual citizens who are very much like many other peace loving people in any other part of the world.

  2. have no problem with them. some of the nicest people i have known.

  3. they are wonderful buisness men with unique culture. =cool=

  4. I worked with some and they acted like primitave animals. They were racist, stuck to their own group... Like most of the foreigners now choking this nation, they seemed to make it pretty clear they were here to take what we have, not become fellow Americans. Give them a little power and they were ruthless... Put them under someone and they "suck up" and act like complete slaves... These sickening qualities seem to be becoming more common in Americans too. I would blame much of it on too much rapid immigration that's damaging our culture and too much "competition" with 3rd world slaves going on in this country. What do you think that will make us?

    I don't think this is any excuse to kill them all in their own countries for financial / empire reasons like the "globalists" are doing now... I think they are a bit backward though, don't really understand freedom, and they're hurting our culture along with the other 3rd world masses swarming this country. "Globalism" is TREASON!!! Our economy was NEVER meant to be merged with tyrant / slave type economies!!! "Competing" with an oppressed slave makes you a slave period!!! Time for us to admit we've been fooled and loudly and unceasingly demand punishment for treason and illegal acts perpetrated by "our" government and the corporations. The Constitution and all American law is based on NATIONALISM. Anything else is TREASON!!!

  5. I think they are people, like any other ethnicity, they have certain cultural traits and beliefs that don't necessarily apply to all but make good fodder for the bigots.

  6. they are not all the same, how about that

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