
What do u think about Australia being.......?

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wat do u think about Australia now overtaking America and being the fattest country in the world!

I cant believe it america has so many more take away places and they also hav supersize so i dont see how we could of overtaken them. wat do u think?




  1. maybe it is true- I have seen an alarming trend toward, fat, unhealthy and very unfit over the last 30 years, it is shameful, the days of kids going down to the park to kick a footy or going to catch a wave after school are seemingly done and dusted. The diet has changed, you can blame macca's and other fastfood franchises for that, years ago you could buy a hamburger that was as good as a meal and pretty healthy too, not so now. We unfortunately are going the way of the amercans and it looks like we are over taking them, the problem starts with the parents , if your father or mother is a slob ,good chance you will grow into one as well

  2. I couldn't believe it either! On a Current Afair, they also said we have the second longest life expectanct after Japan and have one of the fittest people in the world.

  3. Not good. Very worrying.

    Yeah, I've (anecdotally) heard that the Americans have take-aways on every corner and that they're open 24-7. Don't know how true that is.

    Anyway, maybe part of the reason that we're a fat country is that we rely on the car too much.

    The thing that strikes me as odd is that although most of the population is overweight, internationally, we're pretty good at sports. Go figure that out.

  4. Why is it that no-one's taken into account the excessive amount of growth hormones that are fed to the animals (chicken/beef/lamb etc) we eat on a daily basis?

    I think this may add some weight to the situation too. (pardon the pun)

  5. Frankly I think its probably alarmist nonsense.  First you have to define "fat" or "obese".  I think the barrier is set too low. (I'm actually thinner than "normal")

    I work in an organisation with about 700 people and we are all in one building.  I have not done a head count but I would say that about 25 are obese, truly so.  There are a lot more who are well covered but with most of them you would hardly call them "fat" unless of course your entire reading was fashion and gossip magazines.  

    But you hardly get a job where I work without a degree or at least some kind of tertiary certificate, arts, science, law, engineering mostly.  There are a lot of people I know who can call themselves "Dr." without being medicos.  Most of them do not.      

    If I get into some of the provincial cities, which I do sometimes, I do see a lot more fat people.  There is no doubt of that.  

    In Australia as in the USA or elsewhere body mass index has an inverse correlation with income or education.  In other words, the higher your income or education the less likely you are to be obese.  

    Did you ever see a fat astronaut? Or even a fat ex-astronaut?

  6. Hey we might not have supersize, but we can still order more!!

    It's about laziness and lack of time - people can't be bothered cooking proper meals from scratch, can't be bothered excersising.

    It can happen in any country, and it's not just about takeaway, you can still eat c**p food at home! Deep fried food, fatty foods, sugary foods it all adds up!

    I think we are all so tired from the hours we work these days it's about convenience rather than health... so now we're fat lol.

  7. yeah i know what the h**l

    i dont see how its possible Australias whole population doesnt even come closed to americas

    ALSO they dont survey everyone they pick out the tubbies off the street and only survey them

    i didnt get survey and i bet everyone answering these questions now didnt ither

    america is just jelous because Australia is just the grestest

  8. I know!

    Their people are either obese or skinny, just most of ours are probably a little overweight. i think so anyway.

  9. But you do have to have a look at the fact that America has a bigger population then Australia.

    Such as, if for example Australia has 1 million residents and 50% are fat, we'd have to get 500 thousand overweight people.

    If America has 4 million residents, they would have to have 2 million overweight people.

    So although we may have a higher percentage of population who is overweight, we may not have a higher amount of citizens who are overweight.

    (For explination, I KNOW that the population stats are incorrect, I'm just giving an example)

  10. Actually McDonald's has no more "super size"

    I wish we could still be the fattest, the Fatter the Wealthier.

  11. i think its all bullshit! that is like impossible! i dont believe it at all they have them big fat people who way like half a tonne and are on them tv shows. SO I SAY NO WE ARE NOT FATTER THAN THEM. :) lol

  12. Then I'm moving to Australia!!! More cushion for the pushin' baby!!!!! I love it  :)

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