
What do u think about Syrians?

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What do u think about Syrians?




  1. Normally I don't wakeup and think to myself, "What do I think of the Syrians today?"

    But for kicks and giggles I'll answer your question.

    I think the Syrians are people just like me except they live somewhere else on this globe we call Earth.

  2. the same answer as I gave to your question about Egyptians... I also wonder what people think about you now, asking all these questions

  3. haha, I just answered your question about Arabs. I mentioned a fiance, and he is actually Syrian. I know a lot of them (obviously) and I love every one of them. Not because of their nationality, but because they are just nice people.

       Oh, and they don't support Hezbollah. Stuff goes on in the deserts of middle eastern countries and they cannot patrol every part of their country (think of the US/Mexico border, just too much to moniter). But that's nice that people choose to believe that.

       I know that in Syria in particular, there are Muslim areas and Christian orthodox areas, and the two peacefully coexist with no problems. Locals know which areas are which but do business with people of other faiths.


  5. They are the toadies of the Iranians and Radical Muslim Clerics. They sponsor the worst forms of global terrorism and will pay a severe price for it one day, bringing pain and suffering to its people.

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