
What do u think about affirmative action?

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What do u think about affirmative action?




  1. It's a bunch of c**p. Just throw the dog another bone! Why not just give  them the keys to the country while we're at it. It makes the lazy,less qualified equal to the hard working experienced. I didn't need a handicap to get a job - just an education & some determination.

  2. If it pisses off Caucasians I'm happy with it. LMAO.  

  3. It is reverse discrimination against whites for somethng our great great great grandparents did. Plus do you honestly think that Blacks would be happier running around in tribes half naked in Africa rather than being in America where they can play basketball, listen to rap, and live off welfare checks?

  4. It's double racism. It takes away the job of a better qualified white person, just because he is white, and it says that a black can't handle it, and can only manage if we help him.

  5. I think considering the h**l that white America put blacks through (slavery, lynchings, Jim Crow, etc.) that it's the least we could do for them.   It took numerous generations for whites to create the problems inherent in the black community and that can't be undone in one or two.  We need to keep affirmative action indefinitely.  

  6. I prefer inaction, just like to hang out and do nothing

  7. Affirmative racism is on the peak.

  8. It the only way Blacks can compete against smart, better educated, harder working whites. They really need it.

  9. I thought it was coverred along time ago with the whole 'Can't discriminate or show preference based on color'.  Maybe that is why every attempt at affirmative action gets struck down by the courts.

  10. It only affects white people at the bottom of the hiring list. I'm high enough that it doesn't affect me. Sorry about you.

  11. I hate it. If anything, I think it should be based on the economic status of the child because an African American who's rich could get into a college above a White poor kid just because of his skin color.

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