
What do u think about embryonic stem cell research?!?

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Are u for or against it?!WHY?

i personally am against it!!

I feel like it is the same as to kill a grown up as an embryo!!!

if for example i murdered a person, i would go to jail and possibly be killed but if i killed an embryo or aborted, i wouldn't!!to me it is the same to kill an embryo cuz it is a life no matter what size !!

i mean it will help someother people but then again, they are killing a life that couln't get a chance to say,"mom,(or dad)I love you!!!!"

What do u think?!Should it be legal or not?!




  1. I am all for it.  The embryo's generally used in stem cell research do in fact come from IVF patients, are you going to go after those people now that destroy the embryos that aren't used as well?  The fact that stem cell research has the potential to completely change how we treat human disease, I believe is worth all the study that is going on.  Already bone marrow transplants are used to help leukemia, who knows what else can be found out.

    I doubt you are looking for others opinions and just wanted you state your own.

  2. There's been plenty of progress with adult stem cells and very little with embryonic. BTW, it is legal, but the government does not provide any taxpayer money for it. I'm for adult & umbilical cord blood stem cells.

  3. Guess what: The embryos used for stem cell research come from in vitro fertilization. When a woman goes through IVF to get pregnant, they create several embryos, and pick the best 3 or 4 to implant into the woman. The rest are up to her: she can freeze them for future use, or discard them. It is these discarded ones that can be used for research.

    Now I know our president has said that they could be used for "snowflake adoptions," but this presumes that the parents would be willing to put up their discarded embryos for adoption. It also presumes that there are a lot of couples who are both infertile, and would choose someone's leftover embryo over choosing individual egg and sperm donors or simply adopting a newborn.

    If you have an issue with destroying embryos, you should be attacking IVF, not stem cell research. Stem cell research is intended to save lives. IVF is intended to provide people with babies, despite so many orphaned and abandoned children in this world.

    I, personally, am for stem cell research. Thanks to this research, we can now make the equivalent of embryo stem cells out of adult cells, which means that eventually we won't have to use embryos.

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