
What do u think about filipinos?

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What do u think about filipinos?




  1. They have moral values and common sense.

  2. There really great, and good in medical, and Creativity!.

    Long live Filipinos!

  3. Filipinos are great! Good nutured people especially filipinos from the Province of Batanes

  4. Filipinos are very sweet and kind.

  5. Filipinos are good people in general. However, they should really work on their own thing. I always see them mimicking the US culture, from songs, clothing, and etc. It's OK to copy to an extent because other countries do it also. But with Filipinos their taking it to another level and mimicking way too much. To also make the country even more economically stronger the Filipinos should start producing their own products like a vehicle. Other Asian countries are doing their own thing with their cars and their own culture. Filipinos need to stop copying the US, it's kind of making them look very ridiculous. Which in result brings a lot of stereo-typing to Filipinos in the Philippines and in State side.

  6. clever.

  7. I think FIlipinos are great.

  8. The same way I think of everyone else, just another somebody.....

  9. Well, they all seem to know me and say hi to me

  10. The young filipina girls (not all of them- but many of them) act like they're all that. They wear very revealing clothes and they always act flirty- even during church! Many of them are very sl*tty. There are many prostitutes too. (There are plenty of girls like that inside the big church of the SDA college in Valencia, Bukidnon) I was there last year (I'm half white) and it was hard for me to have a boyfriend there because there are too many flirty girls roaming and prowling like lions.

  11. I think they are just like everyone else, but hold a different culture like every other race. I think every race has up and downs to a balance, but that should be no excuse to discriminate anyone, that is ignorant.

  12. I've seen this question before, but my answer would be the same:  Filipinos are like me -

  13. Well, my wife is filipina and I think the world of her. I love and respect her very much. About filipino's in general, no comment.

  14. They're great!

  15. cute people!  seriously, great bunch of people!

  16. best people in the world...i would say so cuz i am a filipino!

  17. most of em  really like to enjoy them selves in a decent way......

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