
What do u think about germany?

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What do u think about germany?




  1. I think it is a nice place. Pictures i've seen, and a few people i know have been there and loved it. I also take german in school, it is very interesting. same with the culture. I also have a penpal/friend that lives there and she likes it. I might even go there this coming summer.

  2. I totally like it here, me and my daughter are livin here for over a year already(I´m in the military) and we both enjoy the atmosphere of these cute festivals like christmas markets... We even planned to celebrate Christmas like the Germans... :-)

  3. When i hear the name of Germany, the First think which jump in my mind is it's Soccer team and Ballack which are really great.

    then Deutsch language which i'm going to study it next year in university (I hope).

    then i think about one of my best friends who lives there and is really lovely.

    to some up: it should be a nice country!

  4. They make good cars

  5. It is fine enough. Quite clean.

  6. ich bin gern Deutsche. deswegen schreib ich auch so gern in meiner heimatsprache.

  7. It's the best country to speed becauase there is no speed limit. Germany is excellent at making chocolate, cars and food.

  8. Germany is Beautiful.

    I love the strength of the German nation. Salute!

  9. I really enjoy living in Germany. I live the culinary experience. Most town has a brewery or "gasthaus". You can have a beer in one town and order the same type of beer in the next and they will be different. Most food is the same, a schnitzel in one town may be prepared different in another town. Love the summer and the beer gartens.  

    The streets are clean, the crime is next to nothing, and it is very easy to get around in, the public transportation system is easy to use and will take one to almost anywhere one wants to go.

    The Germans build fantastic cars, and the autobahns are a fantastic experience. Germany is centrally located in Europe so traveling to other counties is easy. In fact when my co worker gets 3 days off or more he rides down to Barcelona.

    Most German people are really nice and friendly. They are also very set in the German way of doing things which takes awhile to get use to.

  10. They produce good car ,, BMW Mercedes Porsche...


  11. I studied there for a year and LOVE it!  It's centrally located in Europe, so it is easy to travel.  The people were surprisingly nice, despite misconceptions about them being mean or rude.  I barely spoke any German when I got there, but people were nice and helped me out or spoke English if they knew it.  I've been back several times and hope to go again sometime relatively soon.  It's a great country (very beautiful) and a distinct culture... you really ought to go someday! :)

  12. Never been there...but I am reading a book on German cultue.  Quite a lot of paperwork to work and live there.  People who live there (ex pats) complain all the time but never leave.  I personaly would not want to live there because the food is heavy.  Other wise I would love to visit.

  13. I won't talk in politics. So, I will say that Germany has intelligent guys..... I mean those ones who make fabulous cars.... BMW, Mercedes, Porsche and Volkswagen. The TECH which is used in those cars is fascinating!!

  14. Guten Tag!Although I'm an Indian but I have a huge respect and faith for Germany. Germany has advanced in all the fields of life and has emerged as a strong nation in Europe. I don't know much about Germany but still, I know about its scientists, leaders, innovators, vehicles, football players, beer, culture, history and above all, the pride of being a part of Germany. Long Live Germany!!!

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