
What do u think about illegal immigrants in the U.S.? ?

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i really hate the people who come here illegally because they don't have the right to be here in the first place. they take our jobs and exploit our country.(I'm talking in general not every individual). so what is your opinion?




  1. They are destroying our USA.  Let them stay within their borders in order to change the conditions that they are leaving for.

    They are bringing diseases and using up our resorces that we frankly don't have enough of if they continue to infiltrate our country for our own citizens.  I dont have med insurance however the IA has access and free medical treatment.  ETC ETC ETC.


  2. Couldn't care less

  3. They come here because of us, yes, we as Americans are too whiny and too lazy to do hard labor jobs for cheap. Our OWN companies (American Companies) try to bring illegal immigrants over to the US because of cheap labor. Eventually this country will be majority Mexican (I plan on moving to Canada IF the Mexicans in this country are the violent ones, some Mexicans are freaking awesome though and I mean REALLY awesome). Some Illegal immigrants here kill American citizens, this does not happen in Europe!

    Also, if we really wanted to we could easily solve the illegal immigration problem, NOT BE LAZY!

    We are the problem of illegal immigration, us Americans are too lazy to work cheap labor and even if we are paid the right amount, we whine left to right and never get the work done. If we change as Americans and quit being so lazy in labor jobs and so selfish, illegal immigration will end.

    Our companies are corrupt and money hungry so they try to bring illegals over here to the US. Our people (about 90 percent of them) are too lazy to work the hard jobs and too selfish to get paid less. Eventually, we will all be wearing sombreros in America.

    I think that it is not the fault of the illegal immigrants for coming here but more so of the fault of our cheap and greedy companies for trying to get them here. If we work cheap labor and actually do some work without whining, illegal immigration will soon end.

    Also, key problem with Immigration. They make us learn Spanish and yet no Japanese classes in most schools here. We should be learning Math and Science instead of foreign languages, leave it up to those liberals for trying to ruin this nation with their flawed/selfish and dumb philosophy (OOOO THEY CAME HERE FROM BAD CONDITIONZ, WE SHOULD LEARN DUR LANGUAGE AND NOT CONCENTRATE ON TRYING TO MAKE OUR YOUTH BETTER IN MATH!). That is another reason as to why we are so far behind Europe and a lot of Asian countries when it comes to Math and Science. Those stupid liberals and their bad philosophies and trying to make our youth learn a foreign language instead of improving on Math and Science.

    America will rise from this deep hole, eventually I hope they do not make us take a foreign language. It is kinda annoying doing that and trying to do good in high school when it comes to core academics.

    Also, California should no longer be a part of the US. It is that state's dumb policies that is letting illegals even enter good parts of the US such as New England. Keep them OUT OF THERE! I am proud that New England is safe from illegals, just let California be consumed and eaten alive by murders and crime and eventually not even be a part of the US. California is the reason for all of our problems, maybe now I know why the supreme case rejects all of the cases of San Francisco.

  4. You know what........I love them.

    You know why?....huh.....b/c they do work that most "americans" don't want to f*in do.

    Let me see your a** in the hot sun doing rock work or something of that nature.....yeah, I don't see you doing that. So you better shut up!

  5. Should we hate the children? when it's the parents who are the culprits,

    Everybody worries about africa who's government could give a f***ing

    rats @ss about it's people let alone us, but young people don't talk

    about that in there quest for the nobel peace price, and yet like the

    Benedict Arnolds of history, we worry about them, and forget about the

    kids starving in our own country such as appilachia and the katrina

    victums who are likewise black, as well as our own color i might add,

    the parents in this case being the mexican goverment, it never ceases

    to amaze me  the fact that Accupullco, that does a booming multi

    million dollar resort bussiness and poreto vi arta, and all these other

    lavish place for the rich and famous to get there rocks off, can't seem

    to supply employment for there own culture . . .

    These immigrants are doing what comes natural, and that's taking an

    advantage of an oportunity to provide for there families . . .

    Ok as for the illegal implications, i can understand this to a point, but

    as for taking our jobs, we threw our jobs away years ago with our

    greed, always b****ing about more and more and more money,  living

    above our means, cause jr. wasn't happy with a volks wagon he had to

    have a f***ing mercedes to impress betty lou down the street who he

    never knew was doing his best friend on the side in a f***ing beamer

    while token on a joint made up of Accupulco Gold, second only to

    b****ing about wanting more and more higher pay scale to pay off

    moms QVC credit card, not to mention going on strike constantly,

    screaming about having to work week ends and complaining about

    over time or vacation time, or the bosses sucked cause of a position

    we thought we deserved instead of someone else so we'd leave there

    for greener pastures only to b***h more when found our self stepping

    in cow s**t in them thar pastures, who now immigrants are willing to

    overlook for the promise of free milk so as to not have to buy, the

    preverbial cow that we gave them cause we were to stupid to keep.

    Has any one thought of this?

    What happens when these imiagrants start realizing the power to be

    gained through education, not saying ther stupid, merely saying, one

    day soon they too will want the the jobs at the top for better pay than

    what picking apples can give them, you know? like when they start

    thinking out side the bell and realizing, why break ones back? when

    they can cottle there @sses sitting in an office chair making what the

    apple farmer hoped they'd  never find out they could make not to

    mention eventually stealing the even the ceo's job along with the

    kabillon dollar retirement package can bring, while soaking up the sun

    on the beaches of where else but, poreto vi arta, cause he

    was willing to do the work, that the CEO in all his racist

    wisdom, thought that mexicans were incapable of doing, as

    though CEO's realy f***ing do anything 2 begin with . . .

    So if there ambition is any thing like there tenacity, and

    wanting what we all want which is a better life for our  

    families, you better wake up america this only the tip of the

    iceberg, and we've all see what an iceberg can do haven't


    Hi boys and girls, can you say  " Titanic " 4 Mr. Rogers? . . .

  6. I would be FOR helping everyone but I realized that many think that I owe them something so I am not too benign any more.

    Ultimately though, anyone honest and willing to work deserves a place in the sun.

  7. I think that the U.S. should be blown to f u ck long overdue. The Indians were abused and destroyed by what you are now and look at all the atrocities yanks have caused world wide. Only a matter of time for the karma to return. Do you think 2001 was a one off ? No way. Prophecy says that your number is UP ! What do YOU think of the results of capitalism ? Abandoned houses waiting for reposession and the mess of the financial world due to U.S. I say fully deserved and only the tip of the iceberg. You people hate everyone cos you hate yourselves man ! Who the ***** do you think you are ?

  8. I think anyone wanting to become an American citizen must first learn English, then get a job and become a productive memory of society.

  9. I think it's perfectly fine :)  If they're country is so bad that they can't live there successfully, then they have to go -somewhere-!  

    If americans don't want people coming here from other countries, then maybe they should do more to improve the condtions in those countries so people will want to stay.  They wont need to leave to find something better :)

  10. No way Jose.

  11. I feel bad for them because most of them want a better life here.  It was really hard for my parents to come to this country.  So it must be really hard for the illegals to come.

  12. The ones that come here to escape their crappy conditions in Mexico are fine, they aren't really causing any big issues besides job competition. The ones that come over here and commit crimes and sell drugs p**s me off.

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