
What do u think about islam religion? with documents. fairly.?

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What do u think about islam religion? with documents. fairly.?




  1. How's anyone supposed to know?  The people who put the Koran together burned all the documents they used to put it together!  Everyone has to take the word of the people that put the thing together that the Koran is fact.

    I'm Atheist!

  2. It's the perfected religion given by Allah to man.

    "This day, I have perfected your religion for you, completed My favor upon you, and have chosen for you Islam as your religion." Quran 5:3

  3. I am Muslim  

    It is the best religion but the people in the west say we are (Muslims)     terrorists  but we are not , maybe there are some people are terroists  but Islam is not the religion of terrorism.  the Holy Quran is one there is no a different word or sentence

    Our messenger Mohamed is the Mr of good manner alih salah wa salam

  4. I think that Islam is the right & the pest but there are many people can,t understanding. I hope  that you & me do hard to make them understanding the Islam &Curran

  5. It is important to most people to get in where they fit in. Islam does not believe in this, but instead attempts to instruct all people that thet MUST fit into this belief structure. Which, when viewed through common sense, makes no sense at all. It is a system for those who actually harbor hate, veiled as love. Kinda' like christianity. Question everything.

  6. When you look at different religions, they usually contain "magic." For example...

    The Muslim faith contains the magical angel, the magical flying horse, the magical voices, the magical prophet, etc.

  7. Well aren't you incoherent.  

  8. Islam is the Ultimate religion which Never deny the existence of Jewish or Christianity, But approve them & support both of them.

    Quran " Holy Book " is the Islam miracle & will be so for ever.

    If you would like to know better, try to know & read about Islam in the next site :

    Go for the Library & download some books & you can judge by yourself .  

  9. is that what you looking for

  10. Islam is the best religion, but some people are giving wrong image of it.

    But if you know it deeply you will understand what I mean.

    God bless Islam.

    Happy Ramadan.

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