
What do u think about labeling?

by  |  earlier

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today i was called an emo and a jock......?




  1. emo and jock? how is that possible?

    goes to show you that labels are meaningless.

    Don't label others.

    Don't listen to the labels other give to you.

  2. People who label others generally have low self-esteems and want others to see them as "big shots" for putting others down.

    Labeling is for fools. If we were all blind to skin color, abilities, height, weight, beauty, lack of beauty, age, sexual preference or the clothes we wear, this world would be a much more loving world.

  3. Are you wanting to know how to apply 'labeling theory' from sociology?  To know how labeling works in society, why it happens, and the impact in can have on an individual, can help a person maintain their own self image and integrity.  To know that our self image is developed in social interaction, and that it tends to be based on what we think others think of us, can help us be less a victim to labeling.   So we can feel bad that someone categorizes us by some visible criteria, like race, s*x, or dress ( like a jock), for they don't see us as who we are.  We can get stronger, and see that such labeling is done all over, and not just to us.  We develop a way to handle the peer pressures of life better because we see what makes them happen, that way we don't have to interpret our lives just on psychological individual basis... much more freedom to become a unique person, and not feel bad or mad at how others express the way their learned to live in this culture.  good luck

  4. It's what retards do (lol, now I'm labeling). They lack others' attention, that's why. Just ignore them.

  5. well whoever called you that is stupid especially if they dont even really know you for who you are!


  6. i think that would be the manifestation of the unconscious and present stereotypes of individuals. ^_^

  7. Labeling is necessary, and we do it to ourselves all the time.

    The fact is, labels exist because we don't want to think too hard about people's individuality. It's very taxing. We should always be willing to change around some labels, but we need to come to terms with the idea that they exist.

  8. It is simply what others think of you,and they probably do not know you. Some people are too quick to label people and label people incorrectly. They set a schema and they're tying to understand you.  If you dress a certain way, they're going to label you as a preppy, emo, or a jock...  but i think it's completely ridiculous to think of someone as something just because they way they are dressed. They simply do not know you. Sometimes I like to wear workout clothing and sometimes i like to wear preppy clothing, but it doesn't really define me. I know who I am. These types of labels do not hurt me. We are all different, be who you are.

  9. I do not put labels on people and I try not to have labels put on me... the only realy person I need any kind of "label" from is my husband and we are older to where it doesn't matter anymore what we casll each other

  10. You will always get people like that. The best thing to do just ignore them.

  11. I think it's dumb. Labels are the stupidest thing people ever came up with.

    I got labeled a goth the other day. Stupid, Stupid, Stupid!!!

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