
What do u think about long distance relatoinships ???

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What do u think about long distance relatoinships ???




  1. Sprint or Verizon? My long distance relationship with Verizon is pretty good.

  2. umm, is this a question regarding aliens coming to Earth (or vice versa) or about relationships as in romantic?

    Anyway I'm gonna answer both LOL:

    1) I think the chances of life out in space are very low, but the chance that we might go move to Mars or Neptune someday is much bigger. It would be hard, challenging, and a bit unbeleivable, but also it's not that entirely impossible!

    2) As for long distance romantic relationships, they are VERY HARD to keep in track. Inadvertedly one takes advantage of their lover not being right next to them. Plus, it's very painful! But I think that if the realationship is going to be long-distance for a short period of time, (like business trip or something) then it could be done. But I honestly believe that flames would fade and sparks would no llonger fall if you couldn't see your lover often.

    hope that helped!! =]

  3. Very hard, won't work.

  4. Yeah i agree with the top contributer also,

    How does long distance relationships have anything to do with Astronomy and Space??

    Extra terrestrial contact?? But that doesn't seem to be a long distance relationship, unless you are also an extra terrestrial lost in earths atmosphere.

  5. I have had two that didn't work out.  It's much nicer to be with someone that you can see everyday.

  6. Well,it can go either way.If you enjoy the freedom that distance provides,I guess it could work.But if you find lonliness in being apart,I don't think so.

  7. Why is this question even up in the Astronomy and Space Section?  Did you do this on purpose or accident?  The Top Contributor Guy was right.

  8. ... er, guys, what are we talking about? This is the Astronomy & Space section. Are we talking about lovers living in different countries or ... extra-terrestials trying to communicate with us? I am confused.

  9. It's kind of hard, but if you really love that person, you can survive that challenge.

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