
What do u think about mc cain picking alask gov. sarah palin??

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What do u think about mc cain picking alask gov. sarah palin??




  1. Fantastic.

  2. Realistically?  White.  Beautiful.  Middle aged white American male bait.  A strategically well made choice.  That and she'll sell the state of Alaska out so fast it'll make polar bears heads spin.

  3. he's fighting inexperience with inexperience, which makes sense in a very ironic sort of way

  4. He could have done a lot worse.

  5. He made a very good choice because :

    1. It will sway women voters

    2. Obama made a mistake of showing disrespect to Hillary and not picking her as the VP candidate. Now, many of her supporters will vote for McCain because he has chosen a woman that holds promise as a politician.

    3. The argument is about the Presidential Candidate's experience. McCain has that and Obama doesn't. So, choosing Palin won't hurt McCain. The inexperience factor wouldn't have been an issue for Obama if it had been a Biden / Obama ticket.

  6. I think it was done in an attempt to get some of the Hillary Clinton supporters to vote for him, I'm not sure she was a great choice considering she isn't well known.  She didn't run against him so she isn't on record saying bad things about McCain like the clips of Biden bashing Obama.  I personally am not impressed with either candidate or their running mates but I have a much higher standard than most people.

  7. Excellent !! Wonderful !!! Marvelous !! Best thing he could do !

    She is a wonderful woman of God with integrity ..  

  8. wrong category but I feel great about it - she will be a great VP

  9. He is one smart cookie. All those people who loved the idea of a female president are probably now torn between the loyalty to the democratic party and the hype of having a female president.  

  10. A man desperate to get James Dobson off his back.

  11. Doesn't matter. McCain is too big of a celebrity to get elected.

    Also, he didn't pick Romney, Huckabee, or anyone else he ran against in the primaries, because they told the truth, and the truth hurt.

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