
What do u think about me getting on welfare?(nyc)?

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ok guys before u say start working i am and the reasons i think i need it is that i am have trouble with money and food and i can use the help with paying my rent i am single mom and i don't have any family help - if anyone has it can u tell me the good and bad in it i only going to be on it until i can get on my feet also what things do they help u out with thanks for the real answers




  1. Dont be surprised if you get turned down because you are working,you are better off in you dont have a job,It is humiliating when you first go to sign up ,After you start receiving checks they send a worker to your home and they look in your refrigerator to make sure you are not spending the money on beer and junk foods, Good Luck  

  2. I think that people like you are who the system was designed for, and you shouldn't worry about utilizing it.  Just a little advice, though, I don't know what your career is, but you should move out of that money sucking h e l l hole and move down South, where you can rent a decent apartment for $400 a month, and everything else is cheaper as well.

  3. Don't care of what people think Yes you should go out and apply help yourself and your family. Some people use the system and it gives the people that need it a bad name. It sounds like you need it so go get it. Good luck

  4. as long as you use it as a hand up no problem that is what it is there for just don't make it a permanent thing. and please take advantage of any education and child care while you are on it work on improving yourself.

  5. I am not sure if your earn too much money to qualify but it is worth a try.  It is good when you really need it because the extra money helps out so much.  Not only will you get foodstamps and money and health insurance, but you will also get mileage and childcare for going to work and they have to pay for any work expenses such as uniforms or shoes, etc.

    If you do not qualify, then call 2-1-1 and look into getting section 8 HUD.  Also ask about howto get on WIC if not on it and qualify.  Also ask about resources for rental/utility assistance, clothes, food, gas vouchers/bus passes, and if needed diapers and formula.

  6. as a conservative,i say get it.this is what it is for.but it's not a way of life.use it to better yourself and get help with your education so you wont have to depend on it.your children will be much happier.good't let some loser move in with you.

  7. Yes, you can get on Welfare in New York. Welfare was made for people just like you who need help. You don't have to justify yourself to anyone. My mother used welfare in New York to raise me and my 5 brothers in Brooklyn and we all turned out great with college degrees. Good luck and God bless.

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