
What do u think about scramble eggs?

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  1. OKay in general. Better with grated cheese mixed in. I prefer my eggs fried, though.

  2. prefer over easy

  3. With cheese, onions, and peppers added.  And cooked really firm, they're good.  If I don't think about they actually are.

  4. i dont get it..

  5. it depends on what kind of vegetarian you are.

    Lacto Vegetarian = eats dairy

    Ova vegetarian = eats eggs

    Polo vegetarian = eats chicken

    Vegans= no flesh of any kind nor eggs nor milk.

    There is even a fish vegetarian that eats fish.

    I write that so you know that it's really up to you on how you feel about eggs. If you are an ova vegetarian than any kind of eggs is fine.

    If I am missing the question than please give more information.

    if you are going to have scrambled eggs and want to be healthy about it than use olive oil or half olive oil and have butter substitutes.

  6. Scrambled eggs are icky and they give me a tummy ache. Generally not a good texture by themselves - kind of rubbery or gelatinous. They are best used in baked goods where you can't tell you're eating them.

  7. delicious

  8. Scrambled eggs, chedder cheese and sausage loaded with tabasco..  Great omelette.

  9. Alright i guess, but makes me burp too much what with all those trapped pockets of air.

    I prefer boiled or sunny side up personally. =]

  10. Well,  I love scrambled eggs in butter and sprinkled with cheese.....ummmm!

  11. Three things that made me decide to go vegan:

    1. First and most important - cruelty in the egg and dairy industries

    2. I used to LOVE scrambled eggs but I completely lost my taste for them.

    3. I hate drinking glasses of milk.  I only used milk for cereal and cooking.

    Not sure what kind of answer you were looking for, but this is what came to mind.


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