
What do u think about the concept of free will vs. destiny?

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which one do you believe in and why ..




  1. I think both are intertwined. Your choices will become your destiny and your destiny is what you somehow chosed to be.

  2. ...destiny will happen ...its how you get there...takes free will...

  3. sort of both! :)  I think that you make a desicion, and then more choices are laid out. then you make another choice, and more, different choices are laid out... and so on... So we sort of control our own destiny.

  4. that's a tough one.. i'd like to think know so there's still some mystery like coincidence and i get a lot of deja vu and also see people randomly after ive thought about them, but i could have willed that to happen rather than it bein destined so it's hard to know.. i would like to think im in control of my own life but some things are just out of our hands you know? i suppose i'm still too young to decide

  5. I believe in free will, but I guess the argument could be made that I am following destiny by believing in my own free will.  I would like to believe the decisions I make are just that, MY decisions, not some greater entity not anyone else's but my own.  However if it truly is destiny then I can also accept that because it is made to be seen that it is my destiny to believe (truly or falsely) that I am in control of my fate.  I would like to think I control my fate and not destiny, but if it is destiny then I hope I am destined to be happy and do good things, with that I am satisfied, because if it is free will that's all I want as well, so long as I have that I do not truly care about the technicality of whether or not its my doing or another.

  6. Free will is the destiny of man.  They both exist, but not as many seem to think they do.

  7. Why do they have to be opposites? Surely they can work in tandem. There can be free will within the broad spectrum of destiny. Otherwise there wouldn't really be free will at all, and there is.


  8. We all have free will and, I believe, destiny is for a few of us.  Those who have a set destiny, who are chosen for a special path, will, I believe, have the same desires that God has for them-- so their free will aligns with their destiny.

    We have the free will to do what we want and when we want it, but there are some that are chosen.  I believe with all my heart, for example, that there are some people that are meant to meet each other whether it be for a lifetime friendship or for spousal relationship.  

    Destiny is so much more beautiful.  I hope I am one of them with a destiny.  

  9. Doesn't matter.

    If I played a roulette wheel, and someone preselected the next twenty numbers but didn't tell me what they'd be, it would be no different than if I played a roulette wheel with truly random numbers.  Both would reveal themselves to me in the same mysterious manner, and neither situation would govern my bets or actions for each upcoming play.

  10. Destiny yes because it is comforting to believe in it.  Both are idealistic.  We all have free will however we are restrained socially, economically,  and physically at times.

  11. Free Will is a creation of language as well as Destiny.

    We needed FREE WILL when we did something we liked. We needed DESTINY when something we didnt like.  

  12. I don't think those are the only two options, but I do not think that free will exists from an objective viewpoint.

    Consider: The Omniverse (that is to say, the interconnected sum of everything that can ever be known to exist) must work either one of two ways, on the most basic level. Either its system is deterministic (its nature at each instant in time is determined entirely by its nature at the previous instant), or there is a random element (under some conditions, parts are randomly either one way or another). In the first case, free will does not exist because your decisions are already determined by the system. In the second case, free will STILL doesn't exist because, although your decisions are not already determined, you still have no control over the random elements.

    And that's what it really boils down to: Control. Free will is determined as the ability to consciously control some aspect of the Omniverse. However, neither of the above possibilities actually allow for any conscious control over anything. In both cases, what you decide to do or think is subject only to the rules of the system (and, in the second scenario, the random elements). The fact is, our definition of free will is only really meaningful on a high level- but the high level is necessarily based on how the system works at a low level (indeed, at its LOWEST level), and the low level doesn't appear to allow for free will.

    That said, some form of free will might still be possible. For all we know, other universes may run on different kinds of logic that somehow allow for free will to work, although naturally this logic would be of a kind we humans can't possibly comprehend right now due to the limitations of our own universe's logic. However, more realistically, it is possible that free will CAN work in a subjective sense, despite not working in an objective sense. This is because, according to our knowledge, true omniscience is impossible: A being that is aware of the state of everything in the Omniverse must also be aware of the state of its own mind, which would require its mind to be that much more complex, which would require its mind to be that much MORE complex, and so on ad infinitum. Thus, a finite being (like us) cannot be fully aware of the workings of its own mind, and therefore its own decisions would not be predictable by it save in the sense that it is consciously making them. What kinds of implications this sort of free will would have is hard to say.

  13. I think both are flawed concepts and I don't believe in anything.

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