
What do u think about the egyptian?

by Guest64267  |  earlier

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anything u know about them people society anything




  1. I like how they walk lol

  2. the Egyptians are helpful, kind , and pleasant .

    they love jokes and witty answers .

    they like new fashions and buy the latest  clothes .

    they are religious , Moslem or Christian .

    they love having a family , wife and kids .

    they respect and love the big family .

  3. the egyptian what? Society? people? currency? history? way of life?  I'm not sure what you are looking for.

    Ok that's better. lol

    So the Egyptian people I have met have all been very nice and very friendly.  Seem very laid back to me.

  4. is that to an Egyptian to answer or to any one else???

  5. thy are so kind peoples like others,,and work so much when you enqurege them,,,,thy are religious by nature,either moslems or cristians,,,profet mohamed asked to care of them,,also crist bless them..thy are so patients..hat the torrism

  6. which egyptian or all egyptians?

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