
What do u think about the fact that humans see into the future?

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according to this article.

we are always seeing things 1/10 of a second before they happen... if u dont understand it. i advise u read the article cuz its really unbelievable...




  1. I think it's reasonable, but still, what could we do with a 1/10 second FUTURE SIGHT? We probably think of it as an instinct. In fact, I think this is like the same thing as instinct; your eyes predict what is going to happen if like a ball hits you, but we call it an instinct! Eureka! Just kidding. Pretty interesting article though.

  2. Please reread the article. The point is that our brain tries to predict (visually) what we will see 1/10th second into the future. Optical illusions occur when the predictions are wrong.

  3. You can see the 1% of 100% of second before something will happen. But, it is impossible to people to know the future. People don't have any ESPs. Only God can know the future and the future of us.

    Hope I helped. :)

  4. I think you need to look up the definition of the word "fact"

  5. The point is not that this future perception allows us to see things before they happen, rather that it allows us to see things AS they happen. There's a time lag between light hitting your retina and having it displayed as an image in your brain of approximately 1/10th of a second, which would make it very difficult to do even very simple things. So to compensate, the brain attempts to predict from the visual input what it will see 1/10th of a second later and shows you that instead.

  6. Bunch of hooey presented in the form of science.

    If I slap your wrist, do you see the slap before you feel it?

    If I drop a penny and ask you to catch it, do you see it falling 1/10th of a second early so that you can grab it?

  7. I can't believe they are attributing something that seems a miracle to Evolution.  Thanks for the link. That is just one more amazing thing that could not have happened through evolution. It's called irreducible complexity. See link.

  8. Check out the movie "What the bleep do we know?"

    It'll blow your mind far beyond what this article could.

    It's all scientific and opens your eyes to the world.  For example, there is research shown that words and thoughts can physically change and affect the apperance of water.  Think about that for a bit.

  9. I agree with John B. I think the article is a little misleading when it says humans "can see into the future". In my opinion, the human brain simply attempts to predict the future. Optical illusions indicate that these predictions are not always correct. I guess it's something like a baseball player using the velocity of the ball and the angle at which it is thrown to predict when and where to hit it.

    I might be wrong, of course, but that's what I think the article is saying.

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