
What do u think about the fact that the Police Union in Alaska has filed an ethics complaint against s. palin?

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  2. ACTUALLY maybe you should show both sides and stop believing half truths and blatant lies and throwing around pointless banter. Everything made public was already public. She didn't go through his records secretly. All this was actually brought out during his divorce. He should have been an upstanding cop rather than a dirty filthy cop.

    Troopers investigated 13 issues and found four in which Wooten violated policy or broke the law or both:

    • Wooten used a Taser on his stepson.

    • He illegally shot a moose.

    • He drank beer in his patrol car on one occasion.

    • He told others his father-in-law would "eat a f'ing lead bullet" if he helped his daughter get an attorney for the divorce.

  3. I think it's great. she gets my vote!!

  4. It tell me that Plain isn't as popular  in alaska  like  the republican want you to believe   and that 80% approval rating as Governor  is really  65 % and dropping

    OBAMA/BIDEN  2008

  5. I think it is the tip of the iceburg and we will be hearing alot more about abuse of power and other illegal activities in the next few months.

  6. Don't know, and I don't care. John McCain has already won, To bad no one has told Obama.Oh well, they do have to make it look good after all. Democat for McCain/Palin 2008.

  7. empty allegations and a bunch of c**p.The media and her ex brother in law are just out to get her for some reason.Why can we not just have a fair presidential race.

  8. I think they're trying to protect their own but they have no case.


    He's gotten in a list of trouble before.

    His supervisor refused to fire him.

    Palin fired the supervisor.  And the trooper.

  9. It's one big mess with Sarah Palin, that doesn't get any better as the days go by. Alaska isn't that big as far as the amount of people living there, so let the small town news hit where it needs to be taken and resolved now. There's no turning back or ways to make changes for John McCain, Sarah Palin, and the Republication party. Let the lies fly and land when they need to, the truth will come out.

  10. I've heard the details. I'm on her side. She tried to take a bad policeman off the streets and had to fight good old boys to do it.

    McCain knows the specifics he wouldn't have picked her if this was a problem.

  11. too bust in SHOCK over Obama's RACIST church & Biden's son's who are under indictment for fraud.

    and your worried about an "ethics" complaint....nice try...LOL

  12. That is not that bad, people are going to forgive that  

  13. Lets see Unions are very much liberal organizations.

    You are quoting msnbc the Obama channel.

    I consider it worthless story.  

  14. I think that this is another piece to the puzzle of Sara Palin.I think she poses another direst threat to our Constitutional rights to privacy.

  15. Oh you mean the guy who tazered a 10 year old kid?

  16. The funny thing is that we keep hearing about that 80% approval rating in Alaska when in fact that was after she was first elected.  Currently it's much lower, and from what I've read just about everyone who actually has to work with Palin HATES her!  She's portrayed as a power-hungry, vindictive, political climber who will stoop to anything to work her way up the political ladder - and I guess she must be pretty good at that seeing where she's at now!

  17. Her sister's ex husband issued death threats against her father. He also used a teaser on a 10 year old boy. There is no evidence that Palin did anything to have him fired, but that her office pressure his department to have him fired.

    Gee's can't imagine why.  

  18. spare us your outrage

  19. We shall see and hope that justice will prevail.

  20. Cleaning house can almost always guarantee some back lash.  

  21. I'm not surprised, ever since the days of Newt Gingrich, the motto of the Republican Party has been "do as we say, and WE will do as we please"! Palin, in my opinion, is just d**k Cheney in a dress! Mean, corrupt, immoral, selfish, and vile!

  22. that's what unions do...

    ...sort of like the NFL player's union files a grievance when a team tries to enforce a "morals clause" on a player who gets coked up and starts threatening old girlfriends with a loaded gun...

    ...if they didn't file a grievance, then it would be significant...

  23. I'm happy. This just goes to prove that she's another corrupt Republican.

  24. The State Attorney General has already started investigating this. It's old news. The state Ethics Committee is now investigating possible tampering. This is more current. And her husband is under watch by the FBI for possible subversive anti-American activities. He belonged to a group that for years tried to get Alaska to succeed from the Nation.

    So she's got to worry about more than just trying to fire her ex-brother in law.

    EDIT: G-Girl, there is also no evidence that he made the threats Sarah Palin claims he did. Because there were no witnesses to back up her claims it's his word against her word, which is exactly why there is an investigation in the frist place. She has no proof to her claims.

  25. it's a non-issue. democrats are trying to make this into a kwame kilpatrick situation. i think we all know who supportered kwame, right?

  26. I think it's because they want to blow Unions up all together.  Ask the Michigan economy what Unions have done for them?  Specifically the auto industry.  There are a bunch of people with High School educations that were paid $35 bucks an hour to turn screws.  Now, after the Unions have strong armed their employers into paying them ridiculous salaries....the business goes under and these people can't find a job that pays anywhere close to what they were making based on their education.  Unions were a good thing back in the day...when there were unsafe work conditions...but with organizations like OSHA and others that are there to ensure a safe work environment, unions do nothing but protect bad employees.  Look at the fire service for example.  Municipal firefighters start out at a GREAT salary and work on average eleven 24 hour shifts a month.  With fire suppression systems and fire prevention all around, how many fires are fire fighters actually putting out each year?  90% of their calls are medical related and a majority of fire departments are staffed at an EMT Basic level.  If McCain and Palin are elected, any federal union should be afraid.  And I agree.  They aren't necessary.  The people that are really worried about the absence of a union, are those bad employees that use the union to secure their job.

  27. Why NOW all of a sudden?

    It's obviously politically motivated.

    ALL unions are basically stooges of the Democratic party, and they will do whatever they are told.

    This is no exception.

  28. Awww...poor liberal whiny-butts, one of their own who threatens to shoot someone and uses a TASER on a 10-year-old doesn't lose his job (he should have lost his job and been tossed in jail) so the governor steps in and says "You really need to consider whether this man should be a police officer" and the union wet-diaper brigade decides to throw a fit...

    P.S.:  God is a DEMOCRAT?  Let's see:  Democrats support abortion on demand, which goes right up against "Thou shalt not kill."  They also advocate forced redistribution of wealth through higher taxes on the rich, which runs afoul of "Thou shalt not steal."  Do I really need to bring up your revered William Jefferson Clinton or John Edwards and "Thou shalt not commit adultery"?  (And don't insult our intelligence by posting the National Enquirer as a reliable source for the story on Sarah Palin's alleged "affair").  Shall I go on?

  29. She's been accused of abuse of power several times. This person is bad news!

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