
What do u think about the polygamist case?

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everyone is saying its wrong that they took their kids...but like every other person and religous group in america, they to must follow the law...and it doesnt seem that they did...girls and boys getting raped and girls getting pregnat under 15 is wrong..what do u think?




  1. Its looks like I got to respond to this because it seems like everyone is prejudging these people based on 1. Their own moral upbringing 2. what is put out by the media one we know its flawed to judge people by our own personal feelings without at lest talking to then one on one and trying to see their side 2. we know the media doesn't always report the facts nor are they required by law to do so / the seige on their property was started by a crank call the woman who was supposed to have been abused never exsitied so they evaded their homes unjustly so to justify the invasion they now have to build a case by doing DNA testing on the children and figureing out if any of these mothers where underage at the time they had their babies so far they haven't showed and proof that any of this children were harmed in any way in fact they keep saying these children lived a very protected life so the ownly real problem they have with this group of people that stands out in my mind after all the talk is older man are marring younger woman and having babies and that this group was trying to separate it self from the mainstream those are the two moral crimes commited by this group now this all took place in texas and the legal age of marrage in that state with parental consent is 16 to 18 and I'm sure they had parental consent in all cases so what is the true crime here it must be that this group is trying to separate it self from the mainstream by living a so called wholesome christian lifestyle no black people allowed no crime no immortal TV and they don't shop at walmart so the truth is the only crime these people are comitting is living a lifestyle conterproductive to the american mainstream and this abuse case is just a front to keep people from asking the true questions and their using the media to dehumanize them so its cool to steal 400 children off of private land do you guys know what it means to have a privatize land and land rights and your statement about everyone must follow the laws whose law ??? If you don't agree with the way your goverment is ran you can walk away from said goverment and form a new goverment thats in your consititution and even if it wasn't no one i mean no one white ,black ,pink or blue is a slave to this goverment nor its laws so as free people you can do what ever is in your heart to do live anyway you want to live if your not hurting anyone and those people were not hurting anyone and if they did I want proof and after that they should be tried by their peers if a crime was comitted but no crime was comitted just media dehuminization i have a question what happen to the so called bed in the church thats was supposed to be use by members all that talk and the bed a not one pic of the bed and how do you know that was what the bed was used for it could have been used to lay children down durning long services all i'm saying people is how do they know anything if a member former or otherwise told them and even then its he say she say untill u have visual proof or so many members coming forward it cam be taken as truth al i'm saying is question things before you except them as facts me I'm far from a supporter but I get what they were trying to do so people stop M.U.S. ing  Making Up Sh**i**t there's nothing that has come out that shows these girls were having children at 15 most of these girls ect where 16 when they were married off to these man . and if you have a problem with older man marring younger woman he's fifty she's 18 something must be going i mean its not what most consider normal but it happens all over I know a beautiful girl whose 19 bout to marry a 30 yr old and the you have anna nicole.Its not a life style I'm into its not my stuff but everyone has a right to chose how they live their life if no one is being harmed and their living a productive life I'm cool and respect that you americans let your goverment do what ever they want and you are to scared to stand up to them they start a war you justifiy it when you know its wrong and  you let them tax your wages so u have to pay to work as a citizen of the US thats sad and they can come in anytime and steal children out their mothers homes over a difference of ideaology to be placed in foster homes 400 children have you guys ever been in a foster home ???  and stop saying children were raped there is no proof any of these children were raped its misleading and unfair to those families unless you have proof of a rape and all 400 children whould have to have been raped to justify taking all the children which u and the texas police don't have they have no victims to date the one victim the started this was reported as  a crank call by a sister who was harrass by them because she was black its a book out that talkes about the church of later day saints races beliefs and treatment of minorities even after saying that they still didn't rape or abuse the children sexually and again the age of consent in TX is 16 and once your married s*x is no longer a crime even in thier bible...peace

  2. Problem:  There is no proof.

    There is no "Probable Cause" (the cops have admitted it's a hoax.)

    There is no proof, even now that a crime was committed.

    This is like going to the slums and locking up all the poor because there are thieves and druggies there.

    Texas has blown any case it might find.

    If there was molestation and rape, the perverts will go free because the Texas cops have violated their rights.

    And so have you.

  3. first of i think polygamy is wrong and gross and EWWW

    however, isnt this that land of the free and the home of the brave and blah blah blah. so doesnt that give polygamists the freedom to do whatever sick things they want to

    i dont agree with little girls being forced to marry old man and have their babies, that is just plain wrong wrong wrong

    but its their religion, their way of life, who are we to judge

  4. I'm in agreement, it's just a shame that the children seem to suffer the most in either situation.  I don't know what the proper way to handle this is.  That church knew it was wrong and against the Law, both God and Man's.

  5. About 80% support Texas and about 20% support the FLDS.

    I think your opinion is correct and both the rulings in the civil custody case and the criminal case will agree with your opinion.

  6. I do think it is wrong to take someones kids but in this case they did have a valid reason for doing so. I think that everyone should be allowed to follow their own religious laws but not at the expense of children. I do think that they must feel like we don't care about their rights but marrying off their own daughters to old men and getting them pregnant without their consent is very wrong. I really feel sorry for all of the kids they are really stuck. They can either go back to what they are use to or they can go out into the 'real' world which they are not prepared for. Being at a polygamist camp has really put them at a disadvantage to have a normal life. They will need years of therapy. But no only that but they may lose their sense of self because everything they thought to be true, they will find, is a lie.

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