
What do u think about this guy?

by  |  earlier

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is he cute?

on a scale 1-10

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  1. He's ok.  

  2. girl i hope u have seen him before...because some of my friends look awesome...i mean some are but not all of them... and in those pictures they look like they can be a model

  3. Man, he is f-u-g-l-y and he aint got no alibi.

  4. hes ok looking.. shuld be smiling a bit more though.. probs a 7..

  5. the pictures suck.  i bet if i saw him in person i would rate him alot higher :D

    no offence.. but the lighting is terrible so you cant really grasp what he looks like

  6. He is alright... I wouldnt say hot or anything. But its hard to tell from the picture to be honest..

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