
What do u think about this??

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what do u think about someone getting married at a young age? do u think its immature or do u think its great?




  1. i've known ppl who get married at a young age and last forever, and i've known ppl who get married at and older age and last a little while OR don't last at all.  So i guess its up to the person, and how mature they are, to take responsibility in a marraige.  

  2. I think weddings are always a happy time.  

    Legally, 18 is the age of consent and an appropriate age to get married.  

    Of course people will always have their opinions. I'm 22 and engaged (at the time of our wedding I'll be 23)... both the groom and I have solid careers and are established enough to pay for our own wedding.  People STILL say we're too young :).  And, interestingly enough, some say we've been together so long we should've already been married by now. There's no making everyone happy. If there's anything I've learned - there will always be objections & opinions.  Just don't let them ruin your big day.  

  3. To be honest with you, if we were in different times then my answer would be much different for you.

    My grandparents married at 16.  They are going on 62 years together without ever leaving each other.  They had 7 children and are still very much in love.

    But now a days, times are so rough and the mentality is not the same.  We are all better educated and can make wiser decisions.  We are also not all in the position to be financially responsible for the life that comes with a marriage.  Whereas back then at 16 you could take care of a wife and kids, now you can't or at least its much harder to (what with gas prices, food prices, and salaries being the way they are).

    I would wait.

  4. first of all what do you mean by young to some people thats 16 to there early 20's is young. After going through a period freshman year when it seemed like all of my friends were getting married at like 19 (their either not together or struggling. but not everyone has it this way) I came up with two basic rules.  1. If your not old enough to drink at your wedding you probably should wait. 2. and most important, Dont marry just for love.  yes love is very very important but honestly it only about half of a relationship.  there is a lot more that goes into it. most relationships break up over money and compromise issues. and peopel assuming that because they love each other they are gonna grow and change at the same pace. This doesnt happen. you will not be the same person at 30 that you are at 18 and you shouldnt be but you have to be with someone who will accept these changes and not see them as negative. I personally dont think anyone should get married while still in school because it too much at once and your gonna change so much between highschool and College and it takes all that to really start to know what you want in a life time relationship.

  5. Who can say?  If you get married for all the right reasons then age has no relevance.  My husband and I married at age 19 - and we're still married now at 51.  32 years of marriage has brought along trials and tribulations - but if you truly love someone and you know you're with your soul mate, then you can work through anything.  We were only able to have one child - a daughter - who has now produced a beautiful baby grand daughter for us.  Age is only a number.

  6. wen i get married i will be 20yrs old and no i am not immature at all!! it is not about age it is about if you are ready or not and if you are finacially ready.  

  7. it isn't about age about about the reason for marriage and the individuals and the couple together.

    If they can take care of each other financially and mentally then thats great.  

  8. I think it really depends on why they are getting married...are they getting married because they truly love on another and want to be married, or are they doing it just for the "glamour" of the big wedding?  I know a girl who got married young and it was just so she could say she got married before her older sister.  Now that is immature.  If they are young but know what they want in life and are marrying for the right reasons, then I think it's great.

  9. well I was married at 19 and my husband was 21.  now, we are 23 and 25 and been happily married for 3 and a half years.  it wasnt immature at all.  we didnt get married for a wedding which anyone that was there can tell you (I bought the first dress I tried on, no shower or registry, my mom made the food it was all planned in one month)  we married because we loved eachother.  I was planning on heading back to school in a year or so and we knew a wedding would be in out future so we wanted to do it so that we could focus on the things we really wanted in life rather then having to plan a wedding while I'm in school and such which alot of my classmates were.  I since graduated college and we have been through alot together, but we are proof young marriages can work.  I know alot of people in their 30's and up that havent even been able to last this long.

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