
What do u think about this???.......?

by  |  earlier

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i was thinking if it would be a good idea to make a temperature controlled pillow, like when its hot make it cool and fresh and not have to flip it over when one side gets warm, or when its cold and have it all warm and toasty




  1. Personally, I think it's a great idea! I'm always flipping to the cold side of the pillow. I'll buy one. Good Luck!

  2. Well if you can cool it without having to use freon that be cool. freon = metal cooling lines a compressorc/condenserand= noise...

    Good luck

  3. maybe use a material that doesn't absorb a lot of heat..

    .........I'm going get that patented....

  4.    Hmm. Why not a heating pad in the pillow slip?

       Not a bad idea, but not one I'd want. I suggest I move around too much, and use the pillow variously for comfort, or re-staging my sleeping position.

       Certainly worth an attempt though.

    S. Wolf

    Just my two "sense"

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