
What do u think about this? young love?

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a couple gettin married

the guy 18 the girl 16


the guy 19 and the girl 17

with parent approval of course

wat wood be the benefits? and wat would be the problems?




  1. Getting married that young would be a bad idea. I was engaged when I was 18. Got married at 20, and am now 23. I can tell you a person changes A LOT in five years. If you do decide to get married, wait as long as possible for children.  

  2. if they had been together for a while and are used to each other then there would be less problems

    i think the first one is a little risky

    but if they are willing to take the chance..

  3. The benefits of young love would have to be based on more than simply parents appare roval,especially 16-19 yrs of age..Although most young couples feel like they are ready for such a commitment there is a much higher percentage that it will end within the first year in divorce.Few young loves have beat the odds,merely because once they living as a married couple they see that life is no longer just your own anymore and instead of answering to your elders, you are now answering to your new spouse.Young couples feel more jealousy towards eahc other,and alot of times they end up in a financial bind

    brought on by them still wanting to go buy those what nots they bought before they were married..Yet having to pay your own living expenses instead of mom & dad paying it for you anymore.In addition pregnancy is very common with young couples wether it was planned or not and a child alone is an expense that can leave a person trying to figure out if you have enough for diapers each time they are needed. I married when I was 16,first born when I was 17,then divorced by by 18 and 2nd child by 19 with another man.That rela tionship failed, but by age 21 I had a total of 3 children and married to another man,which only lasted a matter of months. Age 22 there I was all 3 guys went about their own lives while I struggled to raise 3 kids alone without any financial support from the dads. Now my middle son had a daughter with a 16 yr old girl,and he 19 and when they broke up she took his daughter and has hid her from all of us for almost 2 yrs because she found a new boyfriend and had 2 more kids herself. My granddaughter and I were very close from age 6 mo.too age 4 yrs but she is now being taught by her mom and new boyfriend that we are all bad people,when in fact I may not have been the best mom I should have but as a grandma she was everything to me so I was an awesome grandma.So before thinking about getting married young consider all of the pain you could cause an innocent child who never asked to be brought into this world, but is now forced to live in it not knowing if her or his life can ever be a normal,and loving one.  

  4. In either case, I'd suggest thay they wait to have children.

  5. The big things I think you should consider are:

    Why you want to get married so soon?

    Are you able to support each other and have your own household?

    Are your goals the same or compatible?

    Essentially, I wonder what the rush is. I would wait until you are both of legal age. It will make things easier in near the future and you will be taken more seriously. In truth I am not sure what the benefits would be to getting married needing parent approval.

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