
What do u think about those 4 young ppl who tried to kill Obama?

by Guest21186  |  earlier

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I think they deserve to be in jail!!




  1. It's been all over the news that they were no threat to Obama...  but exaggerating something that didn't happen, sure sounds good.

  2. I heard Michelle Obama hired them to kill her husband.  

  3. Luckily they proved to be a pack of idiots.  

  4. Please do not, I repeat DO NOT state your opinion on here if it is against Obama.  Seems there maybe some on here that worship him so much they can not stand the truth, so again is say be carefull  what you say about their god.  The reason I say this is I stated my opinion and some of his worshippers did not like it so I got reported.  Now I am going to be broken hearted all day, my life will never be the same.

  5. do you really think obama is good? i think he sucks and hope mccain beats him!! if you disagree you should go vote for obama on this site..

  6. Not much.  

    A lot of people think that it was staged for the campaign.

  7. Stranger, I'm middle aged.  I've done my share of drugs.  Never did "meth" however.  Said they found meth with these young people.  From what I've gathered, when you're a meth addict, there's no telling nothing??    

  8. it was all a setup

  9. Nobody tried to kill Obama.  

  10. You have gotten the story rather wrong.  #1 - they aren't what we normally call "young people"  #2 they didn't "try to kill" anyone.  They apparently CONSPIRED, and deserve severe punishment for thinking they could disrupt our political process.  

  11. I think it's a crock now that they suddenly aren't charging them with anything related to Obama. Poor Democrats. They tried to create some racist guilt but again, like the "I don't look like the previous presidents" c**p, it didn't work.

  12. A bunch of drunk and high idiots do not make a threat. The made some non-PC comments so the secret service and Denver police took the correct necessary steps just encase. Now they will face drug and weapons charges and that's about it.  

  13. No publicity is bad publicity.  I wouldn't doubt if it was a setup either.  Obama is the biggest target for assassination since MLK Jr. regardless of who you are voting for, you have to agree with that....

  14. They were just dumb hill mbillies letting off steam. No harm done. But look out for a commited redneck. He may get closer and real.

  15. There was no plot and no assassination planned they were druggies.

  16. they just announced they were drunk and there was no way they could have done it anyway.  i think they let their mouths overload their capabilities.  it was more a hoax than a reality.

    any celebrity with have to face this possibility.  many angry, sick people out there.

  17. Let them rot in jail for whatever time anyone else would get for those various crimes....

  18. I think they should be in jail. But agree with me or not, the fact is that everybody running for President gets threats. There is always some wacko that has a personal vendetta.

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