
What do u think abt the current market situation?

by Guest65236  |  earlier

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What do u think abt the current market situation?




  1. It's great, everything is so cheap right now! In five years everyone who put money in will be rich! Five year cumulative returns are going to be huge!

  2. bear market.

    historically bear markets last 2-4 years. ours started in October 2007. so we should still have a ways to go

  3. market will improve over the next 12 months

  4. The market situation in shares is volatile--the dowmward- trend is found--I think it will go up in sept.

  5. We expect that market refers to the stock market.

    As investors are either buying stocks, or selling stocks or holding stocks over the passage of time; the current situation is that the profitable stocks have been sold and the loss making stocks are being held in the expectation of a further up-move in the market.

    No one knows the future and as far as the stock market is concerned it would depend mostly on Mr. Markets mood which way the trend moves. In fact, it is touch and go in this regard and the stock market may move either way; that is up or down.



  6. market is volatile and will touch 19000 before end of the year 2008

  7. invest very carefull, choose best stock, invest for long terms

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