
What do u think after this?

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ok so if u live in calgary alberta canada uv probably already heard this story! and if u havnt well here it is...

i think its so sad and im totally scared 2 ever take a greyhound!!

so my question is after this story would u still trust a greyhoud?

and do u think they should add a medal detector?

anyways i just wanted 2 share this with you!




  1. I'm from Montreal and I've already heard of it... What can I say... This guy is a monster! Nobody deserves to die like that. What has been going on his mind?

    It is sad, very sad.  

  2. Well this was on CNN the american mews network before it was reported it was eating some body parts.

    No need to be scared on taking the greyhound.  Would you be afraid to drive a car because of some violent collisions of cars with semis?

    Metal detectors - yes

  3. I think it's just horrible what happened, I can't believe they didn't have metal detectors already!

    I live in Calgary now, but I grew up in Southern California and used to take the Greyhound back & forth from L.A. to San Diego many many times, Santa Barbara to Hollywood (I worked in Santa Barbara on weekends and would take the bus every week for a year)

    and every summer from Hollywood to San Francisco and back.

    The Greyhound has always been an unsafe place where I'm from, but you take your chances and usually everything is fine.

    In 2000, I took it from San Diego to Phoenix to see the Foo Fighters and on the way there, a drunk man started beating his wife and threatened everyone on the bus. The bus pulled over and he was arrested.

    On the way home, there were many aggravated people melting in the hot bus and one guy (total nut case) started saying rude things to my friend and I and when we ignored him, he got louder so we asked the driver to let us off at the next stop and we waited in Gila Bend Arizona for 6 hours waiting for the next bus.

    Just before September 2001, people were getting stabbed left and right on various Greyhound lines throughout the U.S. and after September 11/01 they always do a full search of your bags and scan your body with a metal detector and make to you take off your shoes and empty your pockets before boarding.

    Don't bother taking Greyhound, it seems that 80% of it's riders are mentally insane.

    * in response to the person above who answered that this only happened once, well maybe only once in Canada, but  Greyhound is notorious for riders who attack the bus drivers or assault other riders. Check the wiki link under "Notable incidents and accidents" which does not tell the WHOLE story:

    Notable incidents and accidents

        * May 13, 1972: In Bean Station, Tennessee, a Greyhound Scenicruiser hit a tractor trailer head on. Fifteen people on the bus were killed, including the driver.

        * May 9, 1980: A freight ship collided with the Sunshine Skyway Bridge, resulting in several vehicles including a Greyhound bus falling into Tampa Bay. All 26 people on the bus perished, along with nine others.

        * October 3, 2001: At approximately 4:15 a.m. local time, a passenger, Damir Igric attacked the driver of his bus, slitting his throat. and causing the bus to crash near Manchester, Tennessee, killing Igric and five other passengers and injuring 32 others. As the incident occurred weeks after the September 11 terrorist attacks, Greyhound shut down its entire system as soon as the company learned of the incident for fear that it may have been part of a larger co-ordinated attack. After investigation by the company and the FBI, it was confirmed that Igric had acted alone, and service resumed later that afternoon. After the incident, Greyhound bus stations increased security, though not nearly to the same level as airports or train stations.

        * September 30, 2002: Arturo Martinez Tapia attacked another Greyhound driver near Fresno, California, resulting in two passenger deaths after the bus then rolled off an embankment and crashed. Following this attack, driver shields were installed on most Greyhound buses that now prevent passengers from directly touching the driver while the bus is in motion, even if the shield is forced open.

        * November 27, 2005: At approximately 7:10 a.m. local time, a Greyhound bus traveling from Los Angeles to San Francisco crashed near Santa Maria, killing two people, one of whom was a 7-month-pregnant woman. While the cause remains unknown, at the time of the crash, driver fatigue was suspected. Later, an epileptic seizure was cited as a possible cause.

        * August 28, 2006: At approximately 6:45 p.m. local time, a Greyhound bus traveling from New York City to Montreal overturned on the Adirondack Northway in Westport, New York after suffering a blown tire, killing five and injuring 48.

        * January 2, 2008: A Greyhound bus traveling from Richmond to Raleigh hit a tractor trailer on U.S. Route 1 in Henderson, NC. The tractor trailer was slowing down to make a turn. The Greyhound bus did not slow down and rear ended the tractor trailer. At least 50 people were injured.

  4. Wow I was shocked!

    This guy must have been really disturbed.

    Maybe abused as a child or witnessed a death?

    Or maybe all the violence on TV got to him.

    I feel so bad for the victim's family.

    Atleast the security measures will go up for greyhounds.

    Yes, I would still take a greyhound.

    Yes I think they should add a meTal detector.

  5. Yes this story is sickening!!  They guy deserves to have his head blown off.  It's pretty hard to add metal detectors when a lot of Greyhound bus stops are in such rural areas or off the side of a highway.  They should up the security in major bus depots though.

    I was actually going to take the Greyhound next week....decided to pay the extra money and fly now.  There are too many crazies on the Greyhound....not worth it.

  6. Acts of random violence... as unexplainable as acts of random kindness like the guy ahead of me this  morning who paid my bill in the Tim Horton drive-thru .

    If you want to figure out your odds....  take the millions of safe bus trips taken on Greyhound in the past 75 years and divide by the number of this occurence (1)  

  7. I would absolutely still take a greyhound.  There are hundreds of buses every single day.  This was a case of one clearly insane person doing something horrific.  If he had done this awful thing at the Starbuck's, would you stop getting frappucinos? This is the act of one man in a country of 30 million.  It is an anomaly.

    Unless this type of behaviour becomes common (which I highly doubt it would -- Canada is just not a violent country), then I would not support metal detectors at the bus depot.

    One of the biggest differences between Canada and the US is that we do not make our decisions based on fear.  We will not be afraid to ride the bus, we are not afraid of people who wear turbans or who have a different colour of skin.  We will mourn and reflect on this terrible tragedy, but we will not let it rule our otherwise high quality of life.  

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