
What do u think i should do? Suicide?

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I've had enough this world gives me nothing but **** and we're just expected to take it. my life is sooooooooooooooo bd if anyone elses is worse plz let me know.

when i was 1 month my Dad died in a motorbike accident on his way to the hospital to see me. he had been away on business and i was two months premature. after that it was just mum and i but when i was about 6/7 she started acting funny, she was tired all the time and we had to keep going to the hospital. a few weeks after my 8th birthday mum told me to get next door to take her to the hospital, i didnt understand why but she told me to go with her. normally i would have played next door. she was whisked away and i sat in silence in a stuffy room. a few hours later a women told me to go with her, i now know that my mum had bowel cancer, and the tumour had burst. i was an orphan. i was scared and alone in the world and put into a house that seemed like a castle. thats where i met tiffany. she was wicked and only two days older than me. our friendship didnt last long however. when we were 14 tiffanys bf then 18 got a car. we thought it would be a laugh to go out for a drive with out the social workers nowing. yet again i was left alone. the car spiralled out of control. instantly killing tiff, leving the two boys unharmed and me paralysed from the waist down. then if life hadnt been cruel enough i was raped on my home from a party 13 weeks ago. when i found out i was pregnant i felt that maybe this could be the one thing in my love that i could have forever, but then last week i miscarried. doctors said it was due to organ damage done during the crash.

im fed up with ****. i wanna die, and least then everyone i have ever lovd with be there with me.




  1. don't  had worse circumstances God is just experiencing ur capability for surviving long enough around u get married have a family that's the only solution and above all be true to ur self and others...don't kill ur self

  2. I've lost my real parents, believe me it's not fun to kiss your real mother goodbye on a ventilating machine, and tell the Indian Doctor you are going to throw him out the window if they pull the plug.  And then have to go to your little half sister her mama died, later that night.

    To have a miscarriage, believe me this is something I cannot relate too, but I feel bad for you.

    Last April I slashed my wrist, and thought about laying down to die.  I ended up getting 52 stitches, and creeping out a woman I care a lot for.

    Donate the rest of your potentially long life to the service industry.  Find pleasure in helping others.  I'm majoring in Social Work as a junior, and I do charity work.

    Get some therapy, go to a decent medical hospital emergency and try to get in for suicidal thoughts.  Sign yourself in for a 96 hour hold if you can, and try to reform your life.  Ask to speak to a chaplin if that is your thing, while you are their.

    Ask for some nerve medication, and prescriptions for nerve medication and Wellbutrin as you, to last you a few months.   Don't worry about insurance, they have to take you.  Then save some money aside for an initial consultation in 4-6 months with a psychiatrist you have heard from several sources gives out good medication.  You have to schedule early.  Best of luck and stay alive.  Once your dead it's over.

  3. hang in there

    Its always darkest before the sunrise.   I'd like to think in life we all have our bad and good moments.  for all you know ALL your bad moments are behind you.  You have everything to look forward to.   good luck.  

  4. Wait up and work on your self esteem. Read good books to educate your self about positive thinking and such.

    Take the lemons and make a lemonade. All things happen for a reason, and reason is to make you stronger.

    You can and you will heal yourself.

    Email me and I will send you "The Secret" and some other stuff.

    Be brave little girl, we do love you.

  5. suicide is not the answer

    no matter how crappy life seems

    i will admit... you've been through h**l

    i believe everything happens for a reason

    maybe these kinds of things happend to you to make you stronger...

    and you can help someone else who feels like their life is going down hill

    i promise you... you will find someone you love and they will stay in your life

    life can only give you so many sour apples till it has to give you a sweet one

  6. from reading your other questions, i think your a drama queen.

    since you said here that your mum died years ago, but then in anouther question, you put that your mum was going to support you looking after your baby that your currently pregnant with

    iv known too many girls who have claimed to have a life like this, to fall for this story

  7. I know you asked if anyone has had a harder time in their life then you have, but I think that what you've gone through is pretty major and I don't want to undermine what has happened to you by telling a worse story.

    You have lived through some very traumatic experiences and you should know that but suicide is never an option. What you are going through is a reaction from serious trauma from your past and current situation. Life will go on and life will get better. If you want to see how good life can be from the perspective of someone who has gone through serious trials in his life then check out Nick Vujicic.

    If you get nothing else from this post, I want you to get this: there are many people who love you here (both on this forum and in your life) and the world would be a darker place with you gone. Please light up our lives long into the future and stay to keep us company.

    God Bless and may your light shine into our hearts well into the future.

  8. Ok darl, suicide is not the answer, it never is. You have had a hard life but have survived it you are here for a reason. You are astronger person than you think. if you were weak you would have left this world years ago. you are obviously here for a special reason. Im not religious but i do believe you are ment to be here to do something amazing or to make a difference in peoples lives, that youdont know yet.

    I havent had the misforune you have had love mine is a bit different but i do no suicide is not going to take you where you want to go. It strips the people you leave behind of everything. Worst of all they loose you.

    My mum died of cancer when i was 13. my father sexually abused me for the next 2 years. i lived on the streets for 3mths. I got into a physically and emotionally abusive relationship for 17yrs.(i did end up with two fabulous kids)  But in that time I miscarried, had an abortion, had a hysterectomy.  My dad died of cancer 2yrs ago. I had a relationship with a fella who committed suicide in our house, while i was in hospital. I found him 2 days later. I got death threats from his son  and was not allowed at his funeral. I moved states to care for my grandfather who was put into hospital and died not long after. But in the mean time he showed his sexual intentions towards me. i have since moved states again and am on my own. So i do know a little about pain and heartache my dear. Suicide is not a means to an end love its just the beggining of heartache for the people you leave behind. I urge you to talk it over with a proffessional. a social worker or psychologist even your doctor love. Feel free to contaact me via email, talk to anyone you vent your feelings to and know they will listen. I went through a stage of thinking long and hard about suicide, i made my will, told my kids and friends to take everything i wanted them to have when i was dead. Sold all my belongings. It was a very very dark time. BUT i got through it and i am in the sunshine now thanks to a wonderfull network of people (strangers included). You can get through this to. I said before you are a strong person. You can beat this and these thoughts. The problem is hun once your dead your dead. There is no changing your mind or coming back. You dont go to a place you think you will and be with everyone. Thinking of suicide, you are running to darkness love not from it.

  9. That sounds pretty bad, sure people have bad lives, i guess the only thing i can think of is that there is all sorts of stuff in this world that everyone expects everyone to be a certain way, what alot of people dont understand is that it is ok to be different.. your experiences would have taught you a lot, its probably tough as h**l but what you should live for is for yourself.. if your gone then the future you will create will be gone too.. today not many young people understand the situation this world is in.. it needs help.. maybe you have a lot to learn and to give back to this world to make it better? Who knows there are plenty of possibilities theres plenty to learn and plenty more to create. our brains allow us to do that.

    Be the best you can be dont think heck im different i wont have what i would like to have cause that is just what everyone believes fact is its not like that.

    So hold off that suicide.. we need more smart people who will help the next generation out.

    Also there is alot of suffering going on everyday in third world countries. Do people even consider them, no alot think about how to make more money or how to survive.

    So get into some books, study to become a proffessor of your choosing and better what you feel needs bettering.

  10. I think you should write a book

  11. wow:) nice one:)


  13. Woah... I dont know what to say.... your one strong girl.. suicide is never an option no matter how bad you feel.... im sorry i really dont know what to say to what you've just written.


  14. taken the easy way out... tsk tsk tsk... Write a book, it will keep you busy, your life would be a good read, an emotional rollercoaster, plus you might make money outta it and become famous:D or go on big brother lol

  15. Start over, don't quit. Suicide is quitting, you saying that you suck at life. You don't suck. You were gonna keep that baby, that's something a very nice person would do. Start your life again. Get a job and work real hard at it. Then start some kind of friendship or relationship. Honor your father. He died trying to see you alive, not dead. He wants you alive and he can see you right now. Show him how good you can be.  

  16. Aww.... your your not lucky at all=S.... but listen... it may be hard for you to go through all these things..but never forget that you have to continue being tough and everything will workout.. Don't even think of suicide... you have so many things left to live... i am 200% sure TONS of people need you in their lives and i am sure your an amazing girl that deserve more than this. everything will be okay, take care and god bless ya <3

  17. I know this may not be the longest answer, but suicide is not the way to go. Everyone has problems in there life, but no one should endi ti like that.

  18. When life gives you lemons, Make lemonade. Suicide is never the option! No matter how horrible, or how tough things get for you, they always have a positive consequence in the end. Life is precious, so live it as you should: This opportunity only happens once; you will never be given the chance to live again, so choose your life wisely. The same type of thing has happpened to a friend of mine. She soon became a lawyer and is now "swimming" in cash.  Also, stop reminding yourself of those bad things that have happened to you in the past! It'll only make you feel worse.

    Please take this advice, and I wish for your well-being :(

  19. Please rethink this. Suicide is never the way out. I know you get depressed about how your life is going, but you have to stop and think. I suggest you get help on this from someone you is more qualified to give you help.

  20. Hi,

    Suicide is not a solution for anything.

    Firstly, It is a sin.

    Any thing happened in life is a fate. Face it with courage.

    Don't be panic.

    Be happy.

    All the best.

    Thank you.

  21. I dont think you trust in my self righteous suicide

    I cry when angels deserve to die...

  22. so sorry for you hun,

    go for it but do it propperly , if you dont really wanna do it deep down you will fail  and will be embarrassed.

    i tried and failed twice , but i know theres a beautifull woman like yourself there , so i kept myself alive.

  23. Your parents didn't choose to have the lives they had , but they would have wanted you to be strong and enjoy your life to the best you can.So honour their memory by enjoying your life,keeping your head up and being strong. Stick in there!

  24. Calm down. Seek some advice from a professional.

  25. i can tell your a fighter and strong, because you would of killed yourself long time ago but you havent because your a fighter.

    killing youself is the easy way out.

    Dont do it, you never know whats round the corner.

  26. Wow you are so strong. I really respect people like you

  27. Oh my gosh. i am terribly sorry i never knew this would really happen to anybody. if you need anything, just send me an email or something. im terribly sorry! If you hate your life that much, most people say suicide is the answer, but you have to keep living. keep going on in life, but be careful thats all. think of whats going to happen before you do it. and if you want i am  NOT saying you have problems but most people with things like this go to a counselor and if i was you, i would be at a counselor like 24/7 but thats just me because im a paranoid freak. but please do not commit suicide, i bet you something good will happen soon. just bet:) and wow you better get that *** hole in jail. aha, im so sorry and i hope i helped a little. good luck -Lindsey

  28. Oh I'm so shocked and speechless ...reading this

    and I'm sorry to hear about this

    don't give up your life, it is not a choice

    their are loads of risk's to take in life,

    maybe this is one for you even though you had risks and loads of death's of your close once.

    "Life is full of beauty. Notice it. Notice the bumble bee, the small child, and the smiling faces. Smell the rain, and feel the wind. Live your life to the fullest potential, and fight for your dreams.”

    "When making your choice in life, do not neglect to live."

    Peace out ... hope i helped :) ...

    you should try move on i know its hard but try your best at living your life correctly ... ~

    Good luck :) hope you do the right thing

    suicide is not the right answer for everything!!!

    your parents would want you to be HAPPY :) they would be watching you now :)


  29. The fact that you're writing this, shows that you don't really want to die. You made the first step to relief your heart. Please consult a doctor or someone else you can trust in your direct environment.

  30. Oh MY gosh!

    You have been through all of this? and you are alive to tell the story?!

    I can now say, after reading this, you are the strongest person I "know".

    Nothing is worth losing your life over.

    I promise, that things will get better. They always do. Life evens itself out.

    All this are now due for happy times.

    Please stay alive, and live to tell GOOD stories.

    We need as many nice people in this world as we can get!!!


    Seek counselling hon. It will help.

    I am here if you need me. I have been through a lot also.

    Feel free to e-mail me, ok?

    If you need someone to talk to.

  31. Step 1: Ensure your emotion is controlled daily. Don't over reacted, stay calm and don't get worry easily

    Step 2: Think before your action. Don't repeat her past experience on herself. Remind herself from time to time.

    Step 3: Be confident to yourselves. Remember everyone is the winner. "Only One sperms out of millions fertilize an egg"

    Step 4: Get a group of close friends to share your experience and get some activities that would occupied your time

    Step 5: Increase scope of life. Meaning that she should involve in more social activities like dancing, outing and others.

    Step 6: Put a rubberband on the wrist. If there is a negative thought, Tighten the rubber band and release it. Hence the effect of the pain would be able to reduce the possibility of negative thought.

    Good Luck.

    You may read more articles of mine through

    Besides, If you have more psychological problem, please write to me at

    Good Luck.

    You may read more articles of mine through

    Besides, If you have more psychological problem, please write to me at

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