
What do u think if a male becoming a nurse??

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What do u think if a male becoming a nurse??




  1. I like the idea.

    I had nurses from both genders when I was a kid (8+ yrs old)

    The guys were pretty cool. They seemed to be a bit more laid back than the women.

    I don't know if this is a requirement but they seemed to look good as well.

  2. its great!he can make friends with a doctor and get a good deal on that v****a hes always wanted.

    but seriously for me, id rather go the extra mile and be a doctor. the pay isnt good enough for me to be a nurse

  3. s**y! plus i'm going into nursing school and i can't imagine going to class or working with no guys. i can tell you when i was in the medical hospital it always made my day when my nurse was a guy! Today its not uncommon for a man to be a nurse plus you have more oppertunity for a job since there is less competition among males in nursing. Go for it!! we need nurses

  4. I think it's great!  I've had wonderful male nurses.  I remember this one surgical nurse taking care of me while I went under... kind of.  It was 12.5 years ago.  But I know I went under smiling!

  5. There is always a need for nurses no matter what s*x. Please go for it. You will be great and enjoy every moment. The pay will be higher if you can get hired on in a private practice as opposed to the hospital. But RN's make more in the field,of course, than LPN's . So if you are going to do it go all the way for RN or Nurse Practitioner

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