
What do u think is behind the inexplicable disappearences around the Bermuda Triangle???

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Is it owing to some alien race or something which science can explain substantially, i mean some magnetic force kinda stuffs???




  1. The Bermuda Triangle being a place where ships and planes disappear is somewhat of a myth.  There have been some high profile stories of disappearances in the area, but most are explainable as simple weather problems.  The marine insurer Lloyd's of London has determined the Triangle to be no more dangerous than any other area of ocean, and does not charge unusual rates for passage through the region.

  2. It is something which science can explain substantially....

    The tidal waves develop magnetic undercurrents due to which any ship or any other device made of iron tends to show an attraction towards the triangle...there is nothing alien in this

  3. The two answers are correct to the extent that insurer do not pro rate the risk for the area, and wind, lay of land and most important of all navigational difficulty due to confusing land scape or non, most air crafts at least fly high enough so they rile on gyroscope, magnetic devices do not work beyond certain height or altitude.

    As a matter of fact the incident of such occurrence are less and less with more vessels using GASP devices for navigation.

    But there is a certain hazard in this area and it occurs at random and often enough and it is not going to disappear.

    There are under the sea volcanic events that produce humongous flammable gas clouds if a ship or any kind of vessel gets caught in such clouds then they instantaneously explode. They just disappear leaving no trace.

    Miss happenings attributed to this events will haunt the man kind for ever, and there is no escape from it. So we will here about this triangular area and the missing in this area for years to come. Even if there is any shift  then we will have near areas equally notorious, as the Bermuda Triangle.

  4. The accidents or disappearances around Bermuda triangle are due to purely scientific reasons such as abnormal magnetic field and there is a great thing which most of us don't know... that is, there is some chemical substance beneath the sea which forms the sea bed in that area which reacts with water under certain temperature and pressure conditions and gives out large volume of methane gas.. these gas molecules accumulate into a big gas bubble and when it come to contact with the bottom of ships it gets collapsed and the pressure released can even make the ship upside down.. moreover this gas go to the atmosphere and which is very light when compared to air, so flight's altimeter will show some terrible heights at near the sea level, since it works according to pressure of air, this is make the poilet to take some opposite decisions which makes the flight to get clashed....

  5. According to me laid down by scientists the real reason for the dissapearences is not any alien.In fact the real reason is the presence of magnetic field beneath the bermuda triangle.In fact it was found that even though steel ships,aeroplanes,etc have dissapeared but when wooden boats were brought in the same triangle these boats remain unaffected.This is clear evidence that magnetic fields present beneath the sea are responsible for the calamities.This could be due to the excessive flow of electric currents in that part of the earth due to which such magnetic feild is brought about

  6. An explanation for some of the disappearances focuses on the presence of vast fields of methane hydrates on the continental shelves. A paper was published by the United States Geological Survey about the appearance of hydrates in the Blake Ridge area, offshore southeastern United States, in 1981. Periodic methane eruptions are capable of producing ship-sized bubbles, or regions of water with so much dissolved gas, that the fluid density is no longer capable of providing adequate buoyancy for ships to float. If this were the case, such an area forming around a ship could cause it to sink almost directly and without warning. Experiments have proven that a methane bubble can indeed sink a ship by decreasing the density of the water.

    Methane gas can also crash planes. The less dense air causes planes to lose lift. Also, the altimeter of planes (the instrument that measures the altitude) functions on the density of air. Because methane is less dense, the altimeter assumes the plane is climbing. Planes at night or in the clouds, where they can't see the ground, assume that they are climbing and dive, causing them to crash. Also, methane in the engine throws off the mix of fuel and air. Aircraft engines burn hydrocarbons (gasoline or jet fuel) with oxygen provided by the air. When the ambient oxygen levels drop, combustion can stop, and the engine stalls. All of these effects of methane gas have been shown experimentally.

  7. There are no "inexplicable disappearances around the Bermuda Triangle".  Charles Berlitz invented this nonsense and exaggerated some actual accounts to make them seem mysterious. Scientists have refuted this c**p long ago. Ships and airplanes sink into deep water, and we cannot see them. That is all there is to it.

  8. All u want to know about Bermuda triangle...JUST CHECK THIS OUT:

  9. aliens are behind it.

  10. there are scientific claims that around that area the weather and wind forces are really strong, which is probably y there are so many un explainable disappearences

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