
What do u think is gonna happen 2 Turkey are they gonna go into europe??

by  |  earlier

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do u think turkey can get into europe and so that U.S.A and the U.K can drain its resources into curuption??

dont be simple minded why do u think britain wants turkey soo bad for its land....




  1. Muslim Europe

  2. Britain is in no fit state  to get any land.. why  slag this fellow off for asking a qe,,,.just becouse you dont like it,,, its a kmowm fact if they join europe  ,,there are a million  turks wamting to come here,, to join the the polish and whoever are already here// i know lets build another 5 million homes,,, for trhem and let them  bht  100000 thousand cars to clog the roads/// and my english is  c**p so wat  cant all be perfect can we

  3. That's a point, Europe has Christian roots. And some countries cry out for a non-religious European Union. However we must recognize there is an acceptance of the Turkish citizen who already leave in the European Union (in France o UK for example) .

    Now, I'd like to do another point on the new borders of the European Union if Turkey joins. It seems to me that's the main problem. In fact, I'm not sure the European Union leaders and people want to share borders with  Iraq, Syria, Azerbaidjan, Armenia and Georgia.  

    So Turkish currently could play a strategic role like a plug to the entry in the European Union.


    A French/European citizen

  4. I know I will sound racist, but I sure hope not. I'm sorry, but Europe has Christian roots that are already being in risk with all this Muslim immigration. Don't get me wrong, I have nothing against Muslims in general. But why can they go all through Europe dressing as they want, building their churches and we can't wear a cross in their countries, not to talk about building Christian churches? Turkey is not a radical Islamic country, but it's still far away from Europe in economy, human rights and religion. Especially now, with their new Islamic wonder the Turkish army are very worried.

  5. truth, I hope not . I cant see  how it can work.

  6. Who cares?

    i want Britain out!!.

  7. From reading your question, I was struck by the amazing success your English teacher had in your education.

  8. What are you smoking?

  9. They got to many problems.Only Bliar wanted them in for Bush.

    No chance.

  10. Turkey will never be a member of the EU. Full stop.

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