
What do u think is obama evil??

by  |  earlier

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iv seen quite a few posts on here about obama being the anti-christ. just wanted to know what u people think of this. obama is now sending out info of his campaign via text message. this text has "obama news" and if he will be showing up in your area and stuff like that.

now the number that you need to text to in order to get these messages is 622-62. well what happens when you add up the 2's in this group of numbers? you get 666. is this the "number of the beast". i think it says in the bible that the number will be on our hand or head. we always carry our phones on us now a days and most of the time when we use them we hold it to our head with our hand.

does this mean something or do we all just watch too much history channel and discovery shows about prophecy now a days




  1. Doesn't mean anything. Why would Obama be evil?

    You're reading into things far too much.

  2. There's no such thing as supernatural--though Obama *could* be a little less in the pockets of big corporations--in my opinion.

  3. Quite honestly I am so sick of everyone's paparazzi-like gossip about the campaigners. You put so much emphasis on mispronounced words from their mouths, or what their names sounds like that, or what their wives say and yada yada yada, and it takes away from the big picture. Will one of these two people be a good president? Will they be a great leader? And to h**l with anyone who bases their opinion of a great leader on the color of their skin, or the way they grew up, or what their wives cook. Obviously they were deemed good enough to run for president and these people campaign non-stop for months and months so they are aloud to make mistakes and of course everyone will be trying to dig up some dirt on them.... especially each other. That is politics but you shouldn't be swayed in with a gossipy point of view. Little things like your "622-62 theory" don't even matter! They don't!

    We should be more worried about our families welfare, our countries welfare, and the welfare of innocent, hardworking people.

  4. Obama is human, right?  Sin is the heart of all humans.  that is a fact.  i can prove it by saying watch the responses alone to this question.  watch all the people who think they are self righteous and take it upon themselves to place judgment on some one else.

  5. No. I don't think he is evil.  But it would be nice if he had a record, and I could judge for myself.

  6. Bad for the US but not evil

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