
What do u think it might be? Dude is hella weird.?

by  |  earlier

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OK, I met this guy when I was on vacation.

Few years ago. Weird thing is that every now and then he shows up shooting me an email or mailing me a letter, tellin me, that he likes me and wanna "be closer to me" askin me to "give him a chance" and all.

Now he wrote me an email again and its been 1 year since his last contacting me.

Last time I was kind of "WTF, dude?" why buggin?

I just dont get it,

DETAIL: the dude is Nigerian and he know I dont really favour them much, but still trying

Sucha joke, what do u think is it a national feature or just he's being inconsistent?




  1. i think you should get off your pedestal princess! whaddya mean you don't favor nigerians? that's a mean thing to say. if you don't like him tell him but don't go dissing an entire nation, im not nigerian but i really dislike the fact that people wanna diss eachother on the basis of color, creed and race.

    he's a fool for loving you.

    but i gotta tell you this, he may also be after you if you're rich or a black person from the US or Europe, maybe he's looking for a piggyback ride on your money.

    so look both ways before crossing the street, if you know what i mean.  

  2. This has happened to me before....a dude contacting me out of the blue. I don't take those kind of dudes seriously cause its like....if you're so interested then you would be consistent and actually try to establish a relationship.

    He's probably messin with someone else...its happened to me before

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