
What do u think of Ali Lohan?

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Like the question says - do u like her or not - i personally dnt and its coz i watch the shows Living Lohan and i think they are little off and a bit of drama queens - but thats just me and what i tink. How about you? Oh and does she have an album out already and is her music good like her sister?




  1. i think she is just gonna end up like her sister, turned out and drugged up. we dont need another one of those. and her mom is a stage mom.

  2. I watched Living Lohan up until the episode where she was whining about a dog, went behind her mother's back and got one after her mother said no, then was rewarded the dog in the end.

    She's not only untalented and only trying to get in the business while her sister is still popular, but she is a spoiled whiny brat.

    I don't like kids like her. =/

  3. Hope she's not gonna be like Lindsay................

  4. she's kinda following lindsay's footsteps.... hope she'll end up sucessful.. haha.. :)

  5. I think it is all a load of c**p

  6. she is beautiful but no one will notice her if she just keeps on being a copy cat of her sister.

  7. she talks like man and looks like shes 35.


  8. Haha, she's only 15 and her b***s are already fake =D

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