
What do u think of Free swimming plan?

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  1. that is really cool i have to pay to swim nearly everyday but for free would be awesome

  2. It is yet another spin!!!

    Where I live the council have recently shut down the public baths due to lack of funding (we have plenty of private sector swimming pools and gyms) so I wonder where they are proposing to let people swim for free when they cant even afford to keep our public baths open

  3. waste of money they should use that money for something useful

  4. It's great for them but not for me seeing as I am over 16 and no where near 60  =[

  5. omg!

    since for me swimming has been my sport since 6, i think its really a good idea!

    I mean, swimming is a sport which isn't about how fast u r, its about ur style!

    And im really glad that the kids in uk is gonna be taught how to swim FOR FREE!!!

    Now isnt that the most awesome thing?!

    I mean everyone loves a little free stuff!

    Just the problem with this is that, u know, little kids a infamous for pissing in the swimming pool~~~

    i heard some pools if u actually p**s in the water, the water around you will become purple!! Excellent eh?!

  6. I think it would be really good and encourage youngsters to be more active.  However, I will believe it when I see it! Theres bound to be conditions, like only certain areas etc. but I will watch with interest.

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