
What do u think of The Black Swan, by Nassim Taleb?

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I found most of it just rubish with some good points that can be summerized in 10 pages the rest is just giberish , the book is too over rated




  1. did not read it yet but i guess he is right you cant predict everything, I will read it and be back to you

    Nice day  

  2. Haven't read it yet but thanks for bringing it up and reminding me to look it up :-)

    I'll keep your perception in mind and get back to you on that

  3. Seems to be too academic.( which most of the time is highly funded junk)

    The whole theory has some validity but is it worth all this hype? kind of duh.....

  4. never heard of it before this, i looked it up just now and read about it a bit and i think it sounds interesting i think i'll check to see if they sell it around here

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