
What do u think of a deadbeat parent? * in this case dad *?

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I'm not the type of person that throws themselves out there ... and i certainly don't like putting my business out into the open, but i wanted to know hear people's output on this subject . *

I'm not very fond of my father .. in fact, i actually despise of him ; my father is useless & cold-hearted i actually dont even call him dad i call him ...

" sperm donor " ... the way i see it is being called a father is a privilege

that mine certainly doesn't deserve .

for the last 15 years since i was a baby.. he has been unheard of .. M.I.A .. no "happy bday cards".. no "hey how are you " .. nada just up & left .. walked out on my mother ; which by the way is very sickk. & my 4 siblings .. leaving my mom to raise 5 kids on her own

but now all of a sudden ... you wanna call us out the blue & think its okay to try and become apart of our livess. noooo wayyy

thats not how it works & regardless of what ppl might think ... in my mind if you were'nt there beforee.. then theres no way in h**l i'll try & believe youll be there now.

but hey at the end of the day im proud of my mom ... i think she did a d**n good job of raising us

because, as u can see in this pic ( ) were doing mightyy damnn finee.

; )





  1. This is a tricky one-i can relate to this-maybe your dad thought it best for your mother if he didn't interfere and make problems with her......and now you are growing up he is giving you and himself the chance to make a relationship. It would be good if you could have an adult, polite conversation with your dad and tell him how and why you feel the way you do-and ask him exactly what it is that he wants. Though you are still young-you could ask him to back off and you'll contact him when you feel ready.

    Your family looks gorgeous-your mother has done a grand job.

  2. You have a lovely family. That is one handsome bunch!

    Your dad may have sobered up, and may have had a change of heart, but it is more probable that he is just looking to mooch off of your family.

    Heck, if you ever read Chuck Norris' autobiography, his "sperm donor" would show up and his mom and brothers' quality of life would suddenly plummet... the mom would be physically beaten and threatened, and he would also steal what little stuff they had. This was just another hurdle to overcome.  

  3. I have a deadbeat dad too, and when he sobers up for short periods of time he tries to be my father and my friend, and people think it's mean to stay away from him and not to be nice to him, but they didn't live through the abuse and neglect I did because of him. Thank the Lord for my mother.

  4. WOW!  Your mom sure raised a nice looking bunch of kids.  I'm proud of her, too.. and proud of you for having the courage to stand up for yourself and express your feelings when it comes to your dad.  

    You seem to realize it is not your fault he left, and it's his problem.  I know you must feel abandoned by him.  Your dad has no right to try to waltz back into your lives.  It seems to me you and your siblings all look like you have been given a wonderful life by your Mom, who has apparently worked very hard and loved you very much.

    take care of YOU and love your mom... your dad doesn't deserve the time of day from any of you.

    i am very happy that you have a nice family -- i'm sure that at one time, you needed your dad... now?  i don't think so.

    sending hugs and lots of blessings your way

  5. i know what your talking about, because my dad was like that, too. just left my mom, then finally after 11 years (im 14 now) he just popped up and wanted to get in our lives. my younger brother and i gave him a second chance, but my sister didnt. and you know what, i pity her. it feels so much better to know that i have a dad who is there for me, and when i look at my sister and see the disgust on her face when im talking to my dad on the phone, it hurts me to know that she would actually feel that way about her own father. give your dad a second chance. everyone deserves a second chance. maybe he feels really bad about leaving you and your family, and now hes trying to make it up to you. trust me, give him a chance and you will feel SO much better.

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