
What do u think of a person who look down on one because one is ugly?

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Imagine that person is a respectful person but he looked down on ugly person and he no good attitudes to them( like coldness towards them-however he show no disrespect towards one) and he talked bad about the ugly person behind that ugly person's back? But when the ugly person face to face with that person, in front of you, he doesn't show much disrespect when talking to you but will snub at you occasionally.

my qns is mainly whether there are any psychological reason behind this behavior ?

then how to deal with this sort of person?




  1. its ignorance and cowardice

  2. there not worth anything then are they

  3. they are jealous of you for some reason

  4. This is a person who is very superficial and will one day have to own up to the fact that they also are ugly even if their ugly is on the inside.  

    They are very immature and have not had much life experience at least of the right kind.

    When this person does this look at them and say "what do you look and smell like first thing in the morning?"  This will give them pause and might even give you an opening to say what you think about all this.

    This person is looking only at the external and has reason to believe that their inside is not very good. I am betting that this is the person who is bluffing their way through life scared to death someone will find out that they are not really a complete person.  

    Feel sorry for them and move on to people who feel more like you do. This negative person will bring you down if they find a  c***k they can open up and infect.

    You do not need this in your life. Sometimes it makes us feel like an insider to be told all this and we go along because of that feeling. That is not a good reason and is never valid. They will go after you first chance they get with no exceptions.

  5. My guess is that this person is strongly influenced by the media, and that the person sees something in the "ugly" person that makes them fearful or jealous. Sometimes, when someone is struggling with their own issues, they find it much more convenient to focus on the faults (or what they interpret as a fault) in others rather than to look at themselves.

    As far as how to deal with them, the best revenge is living well.

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