
What do u think of a raw vegan foodist?

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Someone who eats raw vegan foods - raw fruit, veges nuts and seeds and so on?




  1. I think it's great.  I'd like to incorporate more raw meals into my regimen.  I went vegan for animals though, not for my own health, so I will still chow down on tater tots every once in a while.  

  2. Nothing. What do I care what somebody else eats? I don't have time for such trivial pursuits..

  3. i only eat some raw vegan food for the rest, i cook some veggies, especially carrots. I  do like raw vegan food, but i prefer cooked veggies.^^

    ~ i don't feel superior to the rest of you either.~

  4. I envy them for their ability to stick with the lifestyle.  I've tried several times and keep relapsing.  I think it's a very healthy lifestyle choice both for the person doing it and the planet.

  5. I tip my hat to them. It is not an esay lifestyle to follow...and I thought veganism was hard. lol.

  6. I commend what they do because I won't be able to do it! They are all in great shape, however I think some of them are rude to others who does not eat like them.  They seem to think they are more "superior" than the rest of us.  I did some research about vegans and raw food folks and they are very very healthy people.  If I could do it I would!  

  7. i would be sooo hungry!  

  8. It's not for me, but I respect the lifestyle.

  9. As a raw vegan I know I am bettering my overall health. I have more energy than ever before! You should check this website out a raw vegan family. If you want of course.

  10. I tried it a few months ago, I respect raw veg@ns for their commitment, but I couldn't do it.

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