
What do u think of bill o'riley?

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What do u think of bill o'riley?




  1. I like him very much.  He tries to be fair to all.  He is highly intelligent.  I do wish he would not interrupt so often.

  2. He's entitled to his opinions, but he should not be saying "fair and balanced", because there is nothing fair and balance about his program.  He is a boor.

  3. That he is a great talk show host who believes in what he thinks is right (bias, in a form) and whose opinions should be respected.

  4. I could at least respect him if he wasn't such an avid liar.  It's one thing to have an opinion that opposes mine, but his show is more of a smear campaign than a discussion of issues and facts.  Occasionally he'll have a good point, but even then I can't believe what he says b/c he has such a history of lying.

  5. He's a racist ******!!!


  6. He's a complete idiot. Remember that case where the child was kidnapped by the child rapist (the child's name was Shawn Hornbeck). By the rapist's own admission, he tried to strangle the child and the child (at that time 11) talked him out of it by saying he would do whatever he wanted. So the child had to live with the rapist for like four years. The only reason he was rescued was because the rapist kidnapped another child and the police found him. Anyway, Bill O'Reilly said that the reason the first child never tried to escape was because he LIKED his living circumstances such as never having to go to school. That's right, he blamed the rape victim essentially. Of all the moronic and vicious things Bill O'Reilly has ever said, that has to be the worst.

  7. I think he interrupts people too much. He's like a male, Fox News Nancy Grace.

  8. I think he is arrogant and a know it all.  I never watch him because he reminds me of lots of people I don't like. I think he thinks he came from humble beginnings but he didn't and doesn't event try to understand real people's circumstances.

  9. Never have Iced Tea with him.

  10. First, that his name is not spelled like you have it.

    Second, that he has found a niche market of boisterous opining that has resulted in a solid following.

  11. O'Rielly

    that his fair and balanced reporting  makes the liberals very angry.

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