
What do u think of colombians???boricuas wah u think??

by Guest10992  |  earlier

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  1. Colombians: Inteligent people, Awsome Accent, People you can have an inteligent conversation with, I realy would like to find a colombian lady.

    Boricuas: For the most part, they are beautiful, too happy for me, some are smart but some are as dumb as a rock, They do their best to get by.

  2. I find Colombianos to be pretty much the same as everyone else. Many are nice, many are not so nice.

  3. I've not been to Columbia for some 30 years, but found the people there, and from there, to be very friendly.  The more well to do were typically of European descent & had something of an elitest attitude toward natives and those less well off.  I found it odd that all the upper class drank scotch & most males had at least one mistress, while expecting their women to be monogomous. I've been invited into their homes & loved their Christmas celebrations and traditional foods.

    In short, it was a blast if you were a male with plenty of money.

  4. Drug dealing scumbags one step up from Puerto-Ricans.

  5. have only known a few of them and they were pretty nice people. the girls have nice beauty.

  6. Colombians?

    What are those? Like Mexicans?

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