
What do u think of my analogy on god?

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before i start:

know that im not asking for you to believe what i say or even understand it. some people dont believe in god and thats cool. but dont pass judgement on my interpretation of god and explaining life. its just a thought. [:

ok now, think of a dinner table and its signifigance in a household. its a place where a family comes together to spend time with each other. so i thought it would be a cool object to use as a "stable ground" kkkkkk

i think of god as a dinner table. he is the stable set and what we place everything on. he gives us plates, knives, forks,spoons,bowls, cups and napkins etcc..Now each of these utensils has a significant purpose. and they all can be used or not. now that hes given us the things to use, WE have the option of what food goes in bowl and on the plates. for ex. soup, salads, entrees..etc.. NOW we also need to have the "common sense" in what utensil we use. soup, spoon salad, fork, entrees usually a fork and knife. but the point is. he gives us the knowldge we need to live a decent and successful life. it is up to us how we use these utenils and what food goes in the plate. We also have a choice of what drink goes in our cups. Now god isnt stupid. definately not, he knws we will have our share of spills so he gives us a napkin to clean up our messes. The napkin represents our life. In our life we will make unaccountable mistakes and its understood that it happens. Because of our life in sin, he gives us the opportunity to clean it up.

i bet everyones heard of the saying "god gives you different paths..lalala"

ok well the point here is god does knowling give u diff. choices hoping u make the right one.

hence, the napkin cleans up messes. but what people dont understand is the value of the napkin. U dont knw how many times ur gonna have to clean up a spill and u only get ONE napkin, so be wise and use portions and remember part of the napkin is still dry.

dont be close-minded.

REASONNN. its common sense that you would use a spoon for soup right? so im basically saying this is like trying to decide what is right and wrong with faith.

Instead you should use a spoon, this would be like using reason. we have to learn how to use everything properly.

i do think with my heart ( gods knowledge is through love) but fact is... life wont get u anywhere with just ur heart..hence the making of the mind.

mind over heart.

its ur own thoughts. and what knowldge u choose to obtain with it is knowledge from god. reason being, god created ur mind. hes knows its worth

so many people come to believe im diest. its possible. only because most of my beliefs are based off reason. i do believe in god. but do i believe in religion?not really




  1. Does your doctor use faith to diagnose you?? what would you rather he/she use?

    Would'nt we all rather forget about faith and use science/reason instead??

    BTW... I though my mom set the table... so shouldn't I be thanking my mom, my butcher, Mary's little lamb (poor lamb!)???

    Why do I need to add an unnecessary entity into this equation...?? Or is that where faith comes in...

    How come two thirds of the worlds population dont have a dining table, let alone a spoon or a fork, or a lamb roast! They have a communal water pump, dirty plastic container, their dirty hands are the spoons and forks, the dirt floor are their chairs and tables...etc... Did God make this the case so that we can feel oh so precious and lucky that we have our dining tables, with our china set, silver cutlery and fine wines??!

    And did God say we are not allowed to put our elbows in the table, not allowed to talk with our mouths full, not allowed to slurp our beverages...?

    I like your analogy because it points out exactly why there probably is NO God and why we dont need God to understand the dining table and the rules/morals of the dining table...

  2. It's way too runny with words and scattered in thought.

  3. Church is where people of like minds join to share beliefs and worship God as the church Authority teaches.

    You have expressed true religion which is a personal experience with God as spirit within your mind. Modern religion finds it difficult to adjust its attitude toward the rapidly shifting social changes only because it has permitted itself to become so thoroughly traditionalized, dogmatized, and institutionalized. The religion of living experience finds no difficulty in keeping ahead of all these social developments and economic upheavals, amid which it ever functions as a moral stabilizer, social guide, and spiritual pilot. True religion carries over from one age to another the worth-while culture and that wisdom which is born of the experience of knowing God and striving to be like him.

  4. Your allegory of the napkin and life is wrong. Life is the meal before you. The napkin is your faith. It cleans up the messes and it never gets wet.  

  5. It's a direct reflection on you. In other words like god himself you too have a lot of free time and seem to be bored being alone. But you are interesting, deep, and contemplative person and that's nice.

  6. If your open minded about this...god is like a clean source   of water coming from the side of flows freely....when you pass can choose to drink from that source of life or not...he will not be offended either way.

  7. What I want to know is, if god's only function is to have created those utensils (since god leaves man subject to human caprice and "common sense"--that is, god expects us to make good use of the utensils, and does not interfere), what is the difference between god (the table) and the floor?

    While one man uses the knife to slice a piece of chicken, the other is using the same knife to slice his throat and wrest that same piece of chicken from him. In that case, the table is as useless as the floor.

    That said, why should the man (who's getting his throat sliced) be thankful for god's provision of the knife, the chicken, and his fellow men--now, a "fellow" oppressor?

    My point is, god, even after creating all those utensils, must be accountable to us in order for us to declare that "god is all loving." If god is accountable, he will provide justice. If there is justice, good men will not experience injustice. Alas, good men do experience injustice, therefore, god is not accountable (and this unaccountability is reinforced by what Christians declare as "free will"). Thus, we cannot conclude that god is anymore benevolent than the floor in your example.

    If you want to counter and say that "god is just", then you are effectively saying that "anything god does is just." If anything god does is just, then What is injustice? How do you define it?

    And, If injustice is not god's fault, but instead is the devil's fault, then god either cannot guarantee protection from injustice (because of the devil's opposing power), OR, injustice is part of god's plan--therefore god is not just.

    At any rate, it is difficult to argue that the table is any more useful or beneficial than the floor. with that said, why should every one be thankful?

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