
What do u think of my party, i missing a lot?

by  |  earlier

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I'm turning 13 and I'm inviting 10-20 girls ages 12-14

it'll start at 3:30 first, we just sit in my backyard talking an listing to music 4 a half hour until everyone arrives, then we will play a game called the bucket it's where you spilt the party into two groups and in each group u have a partner and each group stands in line in front of their bucket filled with cold water and ice and 10 marbles, 2 people go at time in each bucket and stick their foot into it and try to get a marbles, when one person out of the two in your partnership gets a marble u go to the end of the line and the first team to get all the marbles out of the ice wins. (One more game any ideas) Next, my dad will start grilling burgers and my fiends and i will make smoothies I'm guessing we'll finish about the same time and we can start eating and drinking our smoothies at 5. At around 5: 30 5:45 we can start another game, it's called get the jelly bean there will 10- 20 plates (depends on how many guests) with whi




  1. yeah that sounds like fun a friend of mine had a party similar to this on her 13th birthday and it was pretty fun. here are some ideas..

    - scavenger hunt around the neighborhood (always fun)

    - silly string and/or water balloon fight

    - you could do three-legged races or relays (not the best option but a good time waster.)

    - you could do a jeopardy type game but with celebrities or even kids at the school

    - try and make teams of four or so. what my friend did was once you came in you picked a piece of paper out of a hat and it was either kevin nick or joe (jonas) and whoever got the same brother as you was on your team. she had people decorate headbands and sweatbands with your team.

    - make sure you have a shirt that everyone can sign the back of.

    - you could even play fun games like murder in the dark or something like that

    - people will get tired so make sure your room is ok for everyone to be in, you would be surprised how much people enjoy just sitting and talking or looking around someone elses room.

    - if all else fails you can play volleyball or frisbee outside

    hope i helped:)

  2. yes its sounds amazing i wish mone would have been that good.

    look on line for more games

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