
What do u think of my poem?

by  |  earlier

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When our hands touch

on sunny afternoons

it crys

in silent croons

after we lay

in the crispy waters

it shivered

a chilverous cry

to him

the one I call love

then kissed the bitterness

and brought nector sweet inocence

into somber auburn

eyes that had forgotten happiness

that lyest with thou's

deepest desire

my soul sings

melodies unto the everlasting


between our souls





  1. Im not really a guy for poems but that was beautiful

  2. Great poem...

  3. I'm not really an expert at love poems, but it sounds pretty good.

  4. its nice

  5. nice

  6. Nice.

  7. i tihnk tahts a great poem and you put a lot of feeling into it

  8. its really good

  9. I feel like I can really relate to it,job well done.

  10. Aw so pretty

    I like how the feelings are put in here

    one example

    my soul sings

    melodies unto the everlasting

    The title is appropriate for the

    poem also.

    To him I call my love is

    another line of person and emotion.

    The first line talks about the weather.

  11. i can feel the emotions embodied in your poem. bottomline, it's good.

  12. needs work

    1.whats a croon

    2. you don't have to make the words on different lines all the time if you do that when you are reading it you'll have to pause every time you drop a space.

  13. thats really good!!!! luv it

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