
What do u think of my yugioh dragon deck?plzz reply and tell me wat u think, even post your own deck ok!?

by Guest34461  |  earlier

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ok ere it is

fusion deck:

king dragun

cyberdark dragon

five headed dragon


felgrand dragon

blue eyes white dragon

tyrant dragon

red eyes darkness dragon

red eyes black dragon

luster dragon#2

darkblaze dragon

armed dragon lv7

armed dragon lv5

armed dragon lv3

cyberdark horn

cyberdark edge

cyberdark keel

masked dragon x2

paladin of white dragon

luster dragon

spear dragon

kaiser sea horse

mirage dragon

twin headed behemoth

divine dragon ragnarok

lord of D.

red eyes black chick

decoy dragon


dragons mirror

lightning vortex

graceful charity

foolish burial


soul exchange

card destruction

white dragon ritual

future fusion

premature burial

serial spell

a wingbeat of giant dragon

flute of summoning dragon

giant trunade

level modulation

trade in

the shallow grave


malevolent catastrophe

sakuretsu armor

compulsory evacuation device

call of the haunted

magic jammer

draining sheild

dust tornado





  1. Looks a bit scattered for a dragon deck, also Call of the Haunted is BANNED.


    Deck 1 (Cyberdarks)

    Monsters: 20

    2 Prime Material Dragon

    2 Cyber Dragon

    3 Hunter Dragon

    1 Snipe Hunter

    1 Twin-Headed Dragon

    3 Masked Dragon

    2 Exploder Dragon

    2 Cyberdark Horn

    2 Cyberdark Edge

    2 Cyberdark Keel

    Spells: 12

    1 Future Fusion

    1 Overload Fusion

    1 Power Bond

    1 Cyberdark Impact!

    2 Dragon's Mirror

    1 Lightning Vortex

    1 Smashing Ground

    1 Heavy Storm

    1 Mystical Space Typhoon

    1 Monster Reborn

    1 Premature Burial

    Traps: 8

    1 Mirror Force

    1 Torrential Tribute

    1 Trap Dustshoot

    2 Bottomless Trap Hole

    1 Dust Tornado

    2 Sakuretsu Armor

    Total: 40 cards

    Fusion Deck: 18

    3 Five-Headed Dragon

    3 Cyber End Dragon

    3 Cyber Twin Dragon

    3 Cyberdark Dragon

    3 Chimeratech Overdragon

    3 Chimeratech Fortress Dragon

    Deck 2 (Dragon King)

    Monsters: 21

    2 Light and Darkness Dragon

    2 Prime Material Dragon

    2 Cyber Dragon

    2 Mirage Dragon

    3 Divine Dragon Ragnarok

    1 Snipe Hunter

    1 Twin-Headed Behemoth

    3 Masked Dragon

    3 The Dark - Hex-Sealed Fusion

    2 Exploder Dragon

    Spells: 14

    1 Future Fusion

    1 Polymerization

    3 Dragon's Mirror

    1 Lightning Vortex

    1 Heavy Storm

    1 Mystical Space Typhoon

    1 Monster Reborn

    1 Premature Burial

    1 Brain Control

    3 Hand Destruction

    Traps: 5

    1 Mirror Force

    1 Torrential Tribute

    1 Bottomless Trap Hole

    2 Dust Tornado

    Total: 40 cards

    Fusion Deck: 6

    3 Five-Headed Dragon

    3 King Dragun

  2. ur deck is not bad but i could prob kick its ***

  3. Nice Deck I give it a score of 8/10. The Downfall is Having a blue Eyes and a red Eyes  in one deck. Pick one or the other and Start working on it. If you're chosing the Blue Eyes Use three and add a blue eyes ultimate and Blue Eyes Shinning Use 2 Kaibamen 2 Paladins not 3 as Kaibaman is a weak monster and what are your chances of you drawing him with a Blue Eyes- not too many paladins aswell (they are very costly and occupy space (Having Three Paladins Means Having Three White Dragon Rituals). Another Thing about Paladin  is that most players just scrifice him to summon blue Eyes instantly without using him. If you Read the Small tiny text on the card you'ill find that paladin has the EFFECT of destroying face down deffence monsters meaning that if they were flip effects their effects will not work or if they are stronger like clay man  they are destroyed automaticly- so if your opponent has a Face Down Monster- why risk the chance with Blue Eyes? Also have 3 Kaiser Seahorses in there- one is not enough.

    If you Chose red then have 3 red eyes Black  Dragons- only two Red Eyes Darkness and 2 red Eyes B. Chicks for the same reasons above (The Blue Eyes Reasons). Also add 2 Summoned Skulls because along with their amazing 2500 Atk wich requirs only one Tribute you can fuse them with red eyes to form Red Eyes Skull dragon. Also add a metoir Dragon to fuse with red Eyes and Form Red Eyes Metior Dragon. In addition add a metalmorph to make Red Eyes Metal dragon and remove the Kaiser sehorse.

    Add a D. Tribe- this trap changes all your monsters into Dragons for a turn- but that is all you need... turn them all into dragons and fuse them together to summon five headed dragon!

    Besides That Your Deck is Amazing Keep everything Else the same!

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