
What do u think of sarah palin?

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What do u think of sarah palin?




  1. She has more honesty, wisdom, ethics, and brains not to mention more executive experiance than Hillary Clinton, Obama, or Biden combined.  Way to go McCain!  I question no more who I will vote for.  McCain!

  2. Don't Know enough about her.

  3. Who?

  4. she has zero foreign policy experience and she has to debate Joe Biden next week on that?

  5. She's cute, she has a good resume & she's a feminist. I'll have to keep on eye on her to get a better picture. It's too early yet to form an opinion.

  6. Shes a joke!  First, she's not some maverick that went in and cleaned up Alaskan politics.  Alaskan politics are ridiculously dirty and her whole span of experience was mayor of wasilla.  I dont think any of you have been to wasilla, but its a town you drive through and didnt realize it.  And she went from mayor to governor, when the previous governor was completly dirty, its not hard to look good like youre getting things done.She has NO experience, she makes Obama look like a longtime pro.  Dont be fooled by the school teacher updo.  Your high school civics teacher would make a better VP.  

  7. she has no experience,no talent ,no way..mcpain just handed the election to that intelligent,independent ,insightfull and ready to serve barack obama...she should scurry back to alaska as fast as she can..she,s an awful choice but im glad  he did it..mcpain is stupid

  8. Palin is a Great choice and she will make a Wonderful VP!  

    She has the record of the most beloved Governor in the US by her state (Alaska), she ran on the agenda of stopping wasteful gov't spending, she's about as far outside the Beltway as you can get, plus she's actually been leading people for the past several years, while Obama & Biden have been leading NO one!

    Also among other things, her son is about to deploy to Iraq, she's an ice fisherman, a moose hunter, a small business owner and a lifetime NRA member. And she shelved her state's pork-laden Bridge to Nowhere that McCain has ridiculed on the trail

    All in all, she's a truly fine leader, citizen and patriot!


  9. If McCain wins I  hope he stays healthy and competent because I sure wouldn't want Sarah Palin to be my president.  It seems like a desperate move to me. What can she offer this campaign?  I am very underwhelmed.

  10. I've been a fan over the past few months, more so as they have been talking about ANWAR. She is very sharp!  

  11. Palin is a much more strategic pick than people yet realize.  Think about it....what is Obama's campain slogan?  Change.  What has he changed in the senate?  Nothing.  He wouldn't even take a stance on anything.  So we have to ignore that record of being too weak to take a stance, and "hope" (another Obama propaganda word) that he will in the future start to change things.  However....Palin, though short experience like Obama, has proved that she can change things.  She has broken up the good ol boy clan, and taken on and won against the "old politics" politicians.....everything that Obama preaches that he WILL do.....she HAS ALREADY done!  He talks about change....she delivers change.  I think this is a perfect choice to go against Obama's "change" slogan.  He can talk about it all he wants, he has yet to deliver....Palin, she has changed things, just the things that Obama preaches.  Actions speak louder than empty words.  This takes the wind right out of Obama's "change" campaign.

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